
Do teachers also get attracted to male students around them?

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Do teachers also get attracted to male students around them?

i am very curious regarding this. Since teachers are with students 8 hours a day for 5 to 6 days a week, do they also get attracted to the male students from time to time? Not necessarily in a relationship but just attraction. I want a really honest answer.




  1. Yeah they do. I read so many story's about this. if you search into Google even you can see so many scandals happens because of this.

    90% these kind of relation don't stand rest are happily living their life

  2. yes, if they find them attractive. but most do not, because of the age difference.

  3. Apparently, they do considering how many women are going to jail over it.  

    I don't get it though.  Why would any woman want a boy who can't vote, can't drink, can only get minimum wage jobs, has no real life experience, etc.?

  4. Have I ever thought a male student of mine was attractive?  Yes.  Was I ever attracted to a male student?  No.  There's a difference.

    As a human being, I'm not blind to beauty.  As a teacher, I do not let the awareness of beauty turn into something more, either inside my head or in my behavior.

    That said, I have seen female teachers enjoy a little too much the attention they got from their male students.  These teachers were either young (mid-20s) or had other psychological stuff going on (unable to have social relationships with peers their own age).

  5. No.

    Please read:

  6. May be.  God did not creat Adam and Stev but Eve.  Two male animals dont do it.  tink twice...

  7. No. Not at all. For any teacher what ever their age might be, all their students are like their own sons and daughter. Here there is no discussion of any sexual attraction. So don't imagine all dirty things.

  8. Absolutely NO! It would be especially nasty for me because I teach 2nd grade!

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