
Do teachers care about their kids really?

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I'm going to be a junior and over the years I've def. had some crappy teachers who just did'nt seem to care at all about he well being of some of their students. Like all they cared about was teaching what they were supposed to teach, now I mean that is what they're being paid for and the only thing they are really being asked to do but I MEAN DANG SHOW SOME SYMPATHY FOR ONCE DON'T MAKE THINGS SO BORING! MY GOD! AND DON'T GIVE US ATTITUDE JUST BECAUSE YOUR INSECURE!!

dang some teachers just make me so mad...I want to get inside ones head and find out what its really like, like what they train you for...




  1. Some do, some don't; they're people just like you and have different reactions to the same stimuli.

  2. some teachers are not and some of them cares for the student....

  3. Isn't caring about what they were supposed to teach caring about their students?  I mean, a teacher isn't your parent or your lover.  They want to see you succeed, and their way of doing that is to do the best job they can of helping you learn their subject matter.  It isn't usually appropriate for them to much outside of that.

  4. Wow you must have some really crappy teachers. I didn't have much crappy ones. Most of my teacher were really motivational. My science teacher in seventh grade actually told me that I was thinking too much. Most teachers could also be unhappy because they don't like the jobs, though I would appreciate that my math teacher in seventh grade would come to class more on time. Argh it was so annoying my math teacher back them kept on coming like 20 min. to half an hour late.

  5. A few things to note:  Some teachers have been teaching too long...I will agree and need to change things up.  Teachers need to make learning fun and exciting and engage their students.  Teachers do not make diddly sqaut for money and have to deal with the administrators, parents and other teachers.  To answer your question:  not all teachers dislike their students and not all teachers are crappy.  They have a curriculum that they must cover and know that they only have a certain amount of time to complete it. There is never an excuse for being boring...they need to change it up in the classroom.  Learning should be exciting and fun.  I had many boring teachers over the years so that is why I chose to be the fun teacher that laughs and jokes with my kids.  I am the teacher  that has the f**t machine behind the door, that has fake throw up in the hallway...but believe it or not...I do teach, my kids do learn, and they respect me as I do them.  Fun is the key word.  Maybe you should share your thoughts with an administrator...or your guidance counselor....May not do much but what the heck. If I was told I was boring; boy would things change!!  By the way...I love my job and my students.  There was maybe one that drove me nuts and that was because the parent was a bit unstable! Good luck!

  6. maybe ur teachers have kids but they don't live with them ya know?

    so maybe they take their anger on their students.

    but i've had really B*tchy teachers over the years and it going to get worse

  7. I'm sure most teachers do.

    But remember this.  Depending on the teacher, they've worked years teaching a lot of the same stuff.  And every year it's the same cycle; you get some good students, some bad students, students who could be good but don't give a flying f**t (these are the most frustrating).  And of course it's the same excuses if things go wrong.

    Teacher presents the material.  It's up to them to make it interesting and engaging.   They are limited by the attention of the learner.  If a class doesn't want to learn - it's very hard to motivate yourself to put effort into a class to make it interesting.

    The learner has to take it in.  They have to want to learn it, and think about it even if it's boring.  A teacher can't make you want to learn.

  8. some do, and some don't.  even you said 'you've had 'some' crappy teachers.  It's this way everywhere you go.  heck, I went to a doctor last week for the first time, and he never introduced himself or even looked at me.  ugh.  

    just like some kids want to learn and some don't.  

  9. I care about my students. Once I have a student they become a child of my heart. One student asked me to be her labor coach when her baby was born. Another called after several years when he was 17 (I had taught him kindergarten) and we reconnected (my husband had been his "Big Brother").  I have taught international students and get emails now from all over the world. Not all teachers are callous and boring. I dance on my desk when someone does something they think they can't. Do you have the opportunity to pick your teachers? Ask around to see if that person seems like someone you would like. Ask your teachers to make their lessons more student oriented and interactive to avoid the boring ones.

    Some of us get burnt out. It is a difficult and emotionally draining job. When I was teaching high school I had to deal with a girl with a gun in her backpack, another came drunk and started a fight and then there was a sexual harassment case. I have had to call Child Protective Services more than once. As a teacher we are a lot more than just educators, we spend a good portion of time counseling. They can't train us for what it is really like and you have no idea how hard it is when a student comes to you and tells you that her father is raping her or that she doesn't have food in the house. There is  lot more to teaching that you just don't see. Then there are the endless hours of planning and grading and figuring out the individual needs of each individual student. Being a teacher is no piece of cake and some teachers burn out. Maybe you are referring to the ones who are calloused after devoting so much of themselves only to be underpaid and not appreciated. Give them a break.

    I love teaching, and I love my students and I will always care. Try to be objective and put yourself in your teachers shoes and ask why they are acting that way. Take care and good luck.  

  10. Teachers are people, that makes them imperfect.  I sincerely think that teachers may really care about many of their students, but I am sure there are a few teachers out there who don't care about all of their students if any of them.  I mean you don't like everybody you know do you?  I doubt teachers like all their students.  

    To the girl who said they do it for the money--what money?  Teachers are highly underpaid.

  11. I'm a special education teacher and I am my students number one advocate.  I make it my mission to make sure every student in my class has a feeling of belonging.  I create a family like environment and we stand up for each other.  Every student learns differently and its the teacher's job to tap into their learning style.  If that means I have to teach the same lesson with multiple approaches, then I put in that effort.  This way I know I reached all of my students.  I've been teaching for 7 years and all of my students come back to visit me.  My advice to you is if you truly feel that way, enlist the help of classmates who feel the same way and go to your student government.  Share your feelings and see if you can rally together to let your feeling be known to administrators.  They might listen to you as a group and provide professional development days for teachers on multi sensory or innovative instruction.  This will give them the skills needed to instill a love for learning in all students.  Please don't think that all teachers don't care.....I love my job as well as the students I teach.

  12. Hey. I'm an ESL teacher in Mexico. My kids are all 14-16 years old. I do care for them, listen to them though sometimes, just like anybody else, I get tired of some of them always asking the same things, or of others who talk too much, etc. I know teachers in my school who feel pleasure in making their students look ridiculous. I don't want to discriminate but these are usually older women. Just understand many of them might have financial problems, may be going through a divorce or are just bitter towards life. And I don't always blame them, the kids really get to you. I guess it depends on the character of each teacher.

  13. Let's reverse this: Do students really care about their teachers?

    Anyway, to answer your question, yes, teachers really care. We may care in different ways. Some teachers simply want the students to get the material, some teachers want the students to be happy, some want them to be secure. We are human and have different personalities (just like you and your peers do!) I LOVE teaching because I love to see students "getting" math. I also like working with at-risk students who feel like they can never get good grades in math, because they are so fun. I work with any student that has a legitimate problem if I know about it, but I am a hard-nose with most because I think they should be working hard to learn! It's a good skill to acquire in school. A lot of students think I am mean and hate them because they get Fs, since they don't do any work and can't pass a test. But the students willing to work do well, and remember me (and I remember them!).

    Some of my students are so memorable to me, that I remember them for years, and love to see them come back and say hi.  

  14. so you're frustrated?  or do you really want to know that many teachers really do care, even when they have to teach stuff which you need to know?

  15. some teachers just do if for the money but their are ways of telling a good one from a bad one. if a teacher takes the time with students and discusses things with you and makes the class fun then they are their because they love it. but if a teacher just puts stuff on the board and gives u a test they don't care. not all teachers are the same some just don't know how to teach.  

  16. johnny, get angry...........some teachers are just there for the paycheque and some are very good to their students.  a couple of my male teachers have been very attentive to my needs and i do so-o-o appreciate that attention.  

  17. Yep, I hear more and more about bad teachers, I rarely hear of any teachers that are actually good anymore.

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