
Do teachers chose their career cause they didnt like the business job?

by  |  earlier

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And also, they choose to be teacher because there are more

young women there than in business?




  1. Yes some do.

  2. some people like to affect others. its a safe job with a lot more power than you think. its now no longer a s*x issue. there are many male teachers.

  3. Teachers goes to university, and make course in teaching and at the end of their scholarship they graduate and have there certificate and then they apply for the job as teachers in different schools

  4. What do you have against Teachers? They became teachers because they ran out of time and money, and needed a job... With money, trust me, they would quit so soon, just to do something much more rewardable, but some really like it and have no problem with it, unlike you.

  5. like to fondle kids

  6. I was in business for over 20 years, but I always took time off to volunteer in the schools and always felt that although my career in business management/accounting was substantially more financially rewarding--that my working with children was emotionally much more rewarding.  Because of that--I left the business field because I wanted to teach--I wanted to make a difference in children's lives. It was a mid-life career change...I figured if I had another 20 years of useful work, I wanted it to be in a field that I felt had more value to me on a personal level.  

    I am not a young woman, so that statement does not apply to me...but I have to certainly agree that there aren't as many people my age entering into a career change like this!  It is better to start out of college as a teacher--the starting salary is a little hard to swallow when you are older :o)

    Have a good day!

  7. lol ! i dont know about all of them but my cousin is a professor in university and he chose that job because he didnt like taking risks in businesses , he thought that academic job will have enough money and fridge benefits for him and his family while businesses might make him richer but it involves taking risks !

  8. People chose teaching for many reasons; love of kids, love of education, job security/benefits.

    Many woman have a maternal instinct so teaching children comes naturally.  Women also like the schedule b/c it is very conducive to being a mother.  You can take time off to have a child, the hours are the same as the child's school hours, and you have summers off to spend with your child. I know several women who have left the business field to become teachers because it is more fulfilling and each day is different.

    Men typically aren't the primary care givers, so teaching may not appeal as much to them.

  9. i think they do like to teach.  you're probably asking this because you dont like your teachers.  i think teachers like to teach but they either get sick of it over time, or the students' bad influence on teachers make them mean

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