
Do teachers get annoyed if you just call them by their last name without the Mr., Ms., or Mrs. part?

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Like instead of a student saying "Hi Mrs. Smith", he says "Hi Smith"




  1. well it depends on the teacher.. but personally, I think they do, specially for teachers who are older.. i mean, that is the only way of calling them with respect..

    and besides, by not calling them mr. smith or something implies that you too are co-equal.. which you two are not.. in terms of age, knowledge, etc..

  2. To do that would show a lack of proper respect..

  3. Yes, they get annoyed.

  4. Lmao they probably get annoyed.

    I find it quite funny though. Especially when the girls in my class go yo teacher!

    That annoys them just as much.  

  5. It does depend on the teacher, but unless given permission, it is rude to just call them by last name. Always go with the more polite form of address if you're not sure.  

  6. ive never seen that.

    at my school i call male teachers sir, and women teachers miss.

    its just a habit lol

    i dont think they mind

  7. Wel we had this at my school... but the teachers didn't have a problem and liked it but then the principe stepped in and stopped it

  8. it's inappropriate.

  9. It depends on the teacher.

    I've had both.

    For instance Mr. Taber didn't care at all, so everyone pretty much calls him "Tabes" as an affectionate nickname now. Haha

    However I've had others that do care, they tend to be the stricter and/ or more proper teachers.

    You'll probably figure it out based on their personality.

  10. that would be impolite & bad manners. of course they would get annoyed

  11. I would say that it's rude to call a teacher by his or her last name only.  Unless your teacher specifically says that he or she prefers to be called something else, always refer to them as Mr/Ms/Mrs Smith, etc.  I graduated from high school a couple years ago, and I can still remember these two girls in my calculus class who always called our teacher by her last name.  It just sounded so rude and derogatory.  You should be polite to everyone, especially teachers.

  12. I've been a teacher for 2 years now, going into my 3rd and tenure year.  I'm under 30 years old, but I expect my students to call me Mr. (My Last Name).  It's simply a matter of respect.  I do allow the students to call me by Mr. (My last initial) if they have trouble pronouncing my last name, but I always ask for Mr.  There has to be a strict line between me and my students.  I'm not their "friend,"  I'm their teacher.  We can be friendly, but not friends, because the amount of respect changes.  When they leave my classroom, I can be willing to let that go a little bit, but in my room and while they are my students, the respect I give to them should be the same as the respect I get back.  

  13. it is considered rude and disrespectful.  This may be a way to address a fellow student, but it is highly inappropriate to call a teacher this way.

  14. Yes, they do, and they have reason to be.  I know I never addressed any of my high school teachers as such, but I did address one (and only one) of my college professors this way.  I did it to annoy him.  It worked.

  15. That isn't polite and many of them will get annoyed, but I have found that usually a teacher who is also a coach doesn't mind being called by their last name only. There are a few exceptions to this rule of thumb, mainly depending on the teacher's age, so you just have to find out their personality before you call them anything besides Mr./Ms./Mrs and their last name.

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