
Do teachers have authority over children nowadays?

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Do teachers have authority over children nowadays?




  1. Not If the Children have anything to do with It. Also a lot of Parents interfere when children are given Detention etc: nowadays.When they could be Reinforcing The Teachers Discipline. Although this is Difficult as you have to know if the child Really deserves the Punishment in the first Place,.

  2. I do, and I don't even raise my voice.

  3. In law they have "In Loco Parentis" which means that have authority as a parent in many aspects of discipline since parents are absent.

    By sending children to school, parents are agreeing that teachers have a "right" to discipline their charges.

  4. NOPE.

    1. Administrators don't want the teachers to disclipline the kids anymore for fear of parents getting mad and starting lawsuits.

    2. MANY teachers here at answers say they WANT to disclipline the kids, but nothing they do works and when they go to the next level to let the administrators handle it, THEY DON"T. They dont' want the kids coming to the office.

    3. Schools don't disclipline the kids becuase of NCLB law.

    This law states that schools with less disclipline issues


    4. So instead of the schools actually making the kids be GOOD so they CAN get the money, the IGNORE ANY bad behavior because they know if they DO disclipline a student, there are disclipline records to prove it.

    5. The powers that be that gives money to the schools can know if there are disclipline problems ONLY  by written proof, which is the schools disclipline records.

    So, no discliplining the kids, no records, MORE MONEY!!

    ALL teachers say it's the PARENTS responsibiltiy to make the kids behave. And this is TRUE.

    BUT, it is ALSO the SCHOOLS responsibility to disclipline the kids when they are at SCHOOL.

    OF COURSE kids are going to be bad when they KNOW they are not going to get in trouble!!

  5. Teachers seem to have either given up or be scared of them, well then you get those power crazy teachers that pick on certain students and bully and give out low grades to those who 'don't deserve them' no matter how high quality the work was.

    Maybe i just went to a really rubbish school but i lost faith in all teachers and most certainly the school system.

  6. Well, as with respect, you've got to earn it.

    Not many do but we keep trying.

  7. My `teacher stare` is my only weapon.  Shouting does not work.  We have no authority and rarely get parental support.

  8. No. Children have too much "power" I suppose - I'm not saying the cane should be brought back or anything (!) but I think it's kind of ridiculous how children (especially in Secondary school) can get away with anything because the teacher can't even touch them.

    I think it depends at what school. I went to a strict grammar school and teachers had SO much authority over us because they put us in situations where if we even breathed we'd get yelled at! And it made us scared so we didn't dare do anything but learn! Yet I know of schools where the teacher has no control because the kids run wild because the teacher isn't authoritive enough. It's quite sad really because as teachers' don't have control over some children, others find it difficult to learn in the environment.

  9. i recently graduated from school.. ( 2 years ago) and i can say that no they really dont.. kids do not care at all anymore.. if a teacher tells you to do something, and you do not want to.. its plain and simple.. they just dont do it.. they yell back.. they are rude... and just dont care.. and if the teacher says to leave the room.. then thats all the better because then they just go in the hall and do whatever they want.. or just leave the building...

  10. they have authority but they are equal and cannot be extremely harsh or this may be considered harrasment. But authority yes. well, it depends were you are in the world!

  11. if they don't, they should.

  12. In order to have authority  over children you must be firm but show them that it's for a good reason. For example I teach preschool and I had a student raise their hand to me when I gave them a choice whether to take a book or go to the quiet chair. in that situation you have to be firm and not look them in the eye to reinforce their behavior. Tell them that the choice is theirs. SOmetimes it doesn't work sometimes it does depending on the situation.

  13. They do when they shout at them and tell them to get out of the room  LOL.......its all in the voice!!!

  14. of course they do but it should be a authority that they respect as there is no need to shout or upset a child just to exercise their authority.

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