
Do teams still fear Team USA?

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Most of them probably took note of our performace against China and sharted in their shorts! Do you think teams still fear us?




  1. No they don't but does it really matter?

    GO USA!!

  2. No. Its just another good team, which strength is athleticism's and speed.

    And one of the reasons why where is no fear left because fiba rules is designed for all around basketball not for entertainment purposes(like NBA). So you can exploit any weakness opponent has(and opponent can exploit yours). Friendly games doesnt matter much. Seen one of them and Americans was playing their game and was used by other teams for learning purposes. All high level teams thinks they can do better(and agrees USA is slight favorite over them)

  3. They fear the US in terms of respecting them, but most of these teams probably believe that they can beat the US on any night in a one game situation.

  4. Angola and Iran might, but Spain and Argentina have starting lineups comprised of NBA talent, some of it all star talent. they have no reason to be scared. that being said the US will probably beat both of them.

  5. no

  6. h**l yeah......... our closest game was like a 15 point win........

    we've blow out everyone so far..............

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