
Do teddy bears come to life at night?

by Guest66872  |  earlier

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Do teddy bears come to life at night?




  1. only if you want them to

  2. no, they are inanimate objects so they cant live unless you imagine that so try not to

  3. you have no life

  4. I saw a movie when I was little where a boy was sleeping with his teddy and it came to life when his parents closed the bedroom door and it's eyes started glowing red and it started trying to rip the boy apart with its giant claws. .....

    I don't mind if my teddy's come alive at night (even my Teddy Scares) but I'm not sure I would want my Freddy Krueger doll to join in.

  5. Yep, they have mock united nations meetings.

  6. No. That's just your imagination thinking of that. Try to avoid that thought. =]

  7. Only in make believe.  Oh no, wait, they're alive right now!  OMG HELP ME!!!

  8. If they do, then I will be disappointed. I really want to make-believe that they do but I'm working the night shift, so too bad..... =o(

  9. They come alive in my dreams at night...hehe....

  10. Yes

  11. only if they are battery powered and u are messing with the controller while your asleep

  12. no they dont  but if you want to belive in that they do

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