
Do teens really want to become parents now?

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I may be out of touch, but, is this some sick trend that you guys are getting pregnant and pretending that you are really happy and enjoying this? Have teens given up on being teens? Let me know..




  1. Well i sure haven't. I plan on going to college and doing something with my life and i dont want a baby ruining my plans.

  2. Some stupid teens want to become mothers now...but what they dont realize is that you have a lifetime to have s*x and have babies...

  3. I'm 19 and would love to have a baby.

    However, I'm not acting on that urge until I finish college in three years. I know how much time, money, and effort babies take and I definitely can't handle that now. And I'd also rather be married before I have kids so my children will have a stable family to grow up in.

  4. I know a 14 year old who has this strong urge to become a mother. Yeahhh. I told her to wait, hope she does.

  5. Teenagers don't realize that if you have a baby now that the child might live and grow up in a bad home.

    Teens would be better off if they just waited until their married and then have kids because then their kid would be happy.

  6. NO! Im enjoying myself and I would NOT want a baby at my age. I know its a lot of responsibility and I would rather wait until I can take care of the baby rather than make my parents raise another child all over again. I think its very stupid to get pregnant as a teen but we all make our own choices.

  7. A lot do, but not me. I'm 15 and i know 14 year olds that are pregnant ! My brother has got his 17 year old girlfriend pregnant - and i feel sorry for her !

  8. OMG finally someone understands! thank you. i love you!!!!!!

    and idk what teens are doing. i asked.

  9. I don't!

    That would wreak my childhood!

    you shouldn't want to have kids until you feel nothing else good coming in life, you might as well settle down and be bored the rest of your life!

    I think teens that want to are lonly.

  10. Well, i wouldnt say that im pretending to be 18(still a teen) with a 2 yr old son and another boy on the way and i am d**n happy. Yes i do enjoy being a mom...its the best thing that ever happened to me...

    um and in case youre wondering...yes my baby's father is very involved,i did graduate high not on in college....children CAN NOT  stop anyone from making something of themselves...

  11. Haha, I actually do want kids right now, I know its the wrong decision but I really do want them. I've grown up around babies my whole life cause my mom is a daycare provider. The youngest child we took care of was 6 week old. I love babies and I have a great relationship with them. I hope to have lots of kids in the future, just not when I'm 13.

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