
Do teens who have waitressing jobs spit in drinks if the person they're serving pisses them off?

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Do teens who have waitressing jobs spit in drinks if the person they're serving pisses them off?




  1. So do some of the adults. I worked at a Jack in the Box a long time ago and super rude customers would get a little spit on their burgers.

  2. Maybe the ones with poor character. They are the same people who have road rage episodes when they think someone slighted them in traffic, steal when they think a company charges too much for an item, etc. Good character is good character, and it excludes doing something like spitting into someone's drink when serving them in a restaurant.

  3. I wouldn't.

    Unless they cursed at me and called me names.

  4. I worked as a waitress last summer and I neve did it. There was this one time when I really wanted to do something to this lady's coffee, but I didn't. Partly because she was old and partly because I believe in Karma and I don't want any waitress to spit on my food next time I go out. I mean, it's part of the job. Dealing with people is what waiters and waitresses do. It's not easy, but patience is very important.

  5. As a teen, my  b friend used to tell me of the guys peeing in the oj. I'm sure he regrets what he did now! Safest to eat at home! My high falutin aunt would always send her food back ,,just to appear very special...When she saw the report on tv about chefs getting even,She stopped being so cute!

  6. I've worked around food in restaurants and have seen cooks do some not so nice things to food to people that has ticked them off, so I'm sure the same goes for drinks... eww!

  7. they shouldnt, but they can which is really scary. It would be ridiculous though because they could lose their job and stuff...

  8. i'd never do it myself, but i've seen it happen.

  9. I have seen and heard of it in my life.  I worked at Burger King when I was 16 and I heard the guy's talking about it I reported it but I never saw anything done

  10. I've worked in restaurants for over three years and I have never heard of anyone doing that.

    It would get around fast if someone did because the kitchens are BUSY so someone would see. If it happened, you would get fired on the spot.

    If someone i dont like sits in my section, i usually just dont go out of my way for them.

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