
Do teething toddlers sleep more when they run a fever or should I be worried?

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My 20 month old has run a lowgrade fever for two days and today all he wants to do is sleep. Is this normal? Some sites say to watch for behavior changes before calling physician.

He's not wheezing or coughing but he is cutting molars.




  1. Having a fever makes a kid sleep like a rock!  It is totally normal.  Keep an eye on him and keep checking his temp because they can spike during the night or in the middle of those long naps when your not aware of it.  Sleep is the best thing for him now anyway.  If he is not better soon, you may want to call the Dr. to make sure it is just teething.  I hope he is feeling better soon.

    My son (25mos) had a fever last weekend and was up late that night, but then he slept in until 1:30p.m. the next afternoon!  I was beginning to worry and checking on him every 5 min;).  He was just exhausted.

  2. Totally normal. My 25 month old is getting his back molars. Sometimes he sleeps like a rock, and sometimes I can't get him to sleep!

  3. Oversleeping during as fever is totally normal, especially with small children. Fatigue is just a side-effect when your body is fighting away a sickness. Don't worry about a thing and do what you would do with any other fever. Fatigue is just a side-effect when your body is fighting away a sickness.

  4. sounds like his immune system is taking a rest with him.

    keep him hydrated. yes just be careful if he seems to lethargic in this heat and that he is peeing and pooping ok- if he is not then take him to the hospital immediately

    last year( same age) my kid got dehydrated during a fever and had to have an i.v overnight to help him.

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