
Do tennis video games affect my tennis game??

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I just bought sonic tennis for the wii, but I've heard that tennis simulators that aren't spot on can tell me that I'm hitting the ball correctly even if I'm using horrible form with the wiimote. Can someone with knowledge on this matter please help me and tell me if I am wrong or right?????




  1. You can sit on the sofa and just flick your wrist and the ball will be hit. The wii tennis is the worst way to play tennis if you ask me. It would be soo much better and more fun to just go out and play tennis outside in the fresh air and sunlight. Much better than a video game.

  2. im pretty sure it doesnt

    i play tennis in real life and my form is ok

    i played wii tennis with my friends and i do my form and the mii character or whatever theyre called hits the ball weird and my friends dont do anything but flick their wrists and hands beat me horribly -_-

  3. Unfortunately no. I tried Wii tennis and I do the opposite of what you're supposed to do on the tennis court. You don't flick your wrist in tennis but that's what I have to do in Wii tennis. Unless if you are trying to strengthen your wrist playing badminton then Wii tennis would be good for you...

  4. your nintendo wii can't tell you anything, you can hold it anywhere at any hight and it will still hit.

  5. noooooooooooooo

  6. i have personal experience with this, i got the wii and played wii tennis every day for about a week then over the weekend i went to play tennis and it felt so awkward to swing something so heavy and actually feel the ball hit the racket. i really haven't played wii tennis since then. i dont no wat u mean by it "telling" you if ur form is bad. i dont think u shud practice ur form with the wii, ur gonna hurt urself both physically and ur tennis game

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