
Do termites bite human flesh?

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I've done little research on google but the articles that I kinda looked at seemed a little bit sketchy so thought this might be better place to look.

The reason I'm asking because today I discovered termites flying or jumping around and I seen a couple in the past hour alone just jump on my leg. I've also been bitten at least once every day this pass week could it be termites or something else? PS I do wash my sheets, I just changed them three days ago and my room is fairly clean,definitely not a pig sty




  1. nope ,.. they don't do anything really, they will let you crush them

    - i don't think they see very well..

    are you sure you got bitten?

    maybe a spider, or mosquito

  2. No. Termites are vegetarians-they chew celulose-wood mostly. The soldier class have powerful jaws mostly for defending against their ancient enemies-ants. When they are "swarming"-that is the nest releases huge numbers of winged members to fly away and start a new nest they will crawl all over you - which is extremely annoying, but even then you do not get bitten. If you have been bitten by something it is more likely to be a mosquito, possibly a flea or even a bed-bug. You don,t have to be dirty to be bitten

    If you saw something jump on your leg it was'nt a termite. They are very slow moving except when they are in the winged stage. If you break into a termite gallery (they make these out of mud and saliva to keep themselves hidden as they transport material back to the nest) you will see them in very slow moving lines. They are creamy white in colour-sometimes called "white ants" but they are no relation to ants.

  3. Termites do NOT bite humans.  Their mouth parts are too small anyway.  The Soldier Termite mite pinch you in defending his colony, but not likely.  

    I believe what you're having problems with is something else.  Could be Fleas, Mites, Lice, or whatever.  These Arthropods are extremely hard to get rid of once they've infested your home.  If you continue to have problems, I'd call an exterminator if I were you.

  4. no, they don't

  5. Termites live on wood. The only part of your body you have to protect from them is your head.

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