
Do the Airline Cos. need the highly paid Air-Hostesses in their short journey flights? This can help cut costs

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Even Software Engineers are shown Pink Slips, how much ever highly paid they r. This the company does to cut extra costs. isn't it so?




  1. I LOVE neils answer...couldn't say it better myself.  When I found out my training would be 8 weeks long to be a flight attendant, I thought to myself, "8 weeks to learn how to serve drinks???".  WRONG!  There is SO much more involved than the normal person would think.  Not only do we go through an initial training program, but we have to go once a year to be re-tested on our ability to evacuate an aircraft, and refresh ourselves on CPR, AED, and misc. survival case we ever crash in the middle of nowhere...whether it be on land, or in the middle of the ocean.  

    The next time you think about getting angry when a flight attendant tells you to sit down because the seatbelt sign is on...remember this....we can get fined by the FAA if we do NOT tell you this.  It's a LAW!  We are also unable to give you permission to use the lavatory when the seatbelt sign is on.  Also, if you decide to not heed our warning, the FAA may then give YOU a fine!

    Highly paid...hahahaha, I wish!  Since when is someone that qualifies for food stamps considered highly paid?

    So in answer to your question, no, they can't take F/A's off of short journey flights.

  2. By whose definition are Cabin Crew highly paid?

    Who is going to open/close the door?

    Who will react when something untoward happens?

    Wait until you are on a plane which is involved in an emergency. Then you will see how much the Cabin Crew are needed.

    Cabin Crew are there for H&S reasons more than the "would you like a paper" reasons.

  3. I think you will find that cabin crew are actually on quite low wages, and getting rid of them would cause a major safety issue.  Imagine if something happened while the plane was in the air and no-one knew what to do?

  4. We're NOT highly paid 'Air-Hostesses' as you might like to think...walk a mile or two in our shoes, and then make that statement.

    You're just like 1000's of other untraveled passengers who board commercial aircraft every day, and think that Flight Attendants (this is the title or label we are given these days...has been for, oh...about 30 years now...) are put on an aircraft to kiss your butt and serve you a coke or cocktail for however long the flight is, when in actuality, we are Federally licensed SAFETY professionals who's PRIMARY reason for being on that aircraft, is to save your f***y in the unlikely event of an aircraft mishap, or should you have a heart attack inflight or suffer a seizure, stroke, or.....stop the bleeding from the gash on your head because you chose to ignore the seatbelt sign and specific announcements to fasten your seatbelts during turbulence!

    You might have a little respect for what it is that we actually are trained and hired to do...serving you that coke IS part of what we do...but NOT what we are primarily placed on that aircraft to provide.

    Highly paid...HA!  I know plenty of Flight Attendants on Gov't assistance and food stamps...get real!

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