
Do the Amerians are at all really Americans?

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I just asked this question before moving to USA---and my question is been deleted today! Huh! I can't guess who's responsible----Americans or the Y/A community. I am not even allowed to know my wrong-doing!




  1. no we americans are great (except the ones who own big companys and have power)

  2. incredibly improper English. try again, as it makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. are you asking if everyone in America is really an American?

  4. u poser bas-tard

  5. my questions and answers are oft getting deleted. the yahoo community is composed of people with no lives, therefore they are able to get anything they want deleted. This very answer of mine will probably get deleted. I am not allowed to know my wrong-doing.  

  6. I'm sorry, your question makes no sense. Please try to re-phrase it so we can understand what it is that you are asking.

  7. no Americans are every races and colors including me with wings.

  8. Well if you keep going to the American version of yahoo answers, like Martian here who is apparently obsessed with Americans, you're more than likely dealing with Americans.

  9. Please learn to speak the language properly before you move to any country. It might keep the natives from despising you.  

  10. huh?  Yes we are legal citizens, I don't understand..........................

  11. what?

  12. My English does not recognize your English

  13. You really need to be clearer, because at present there is no question and what you've asked makes no sense.  

  14. It's the Americans. You are challenging their beliefs.

    lol, True: It's an experiment.

  15. whaty what what are you on drugs?

  16. The problem might be that in English, your post makes no sense what so ever.

    You posted, "Do the Amerians..."  Who are the Amerians?

    Next you verb choice is incorrect especially in regards to how you began your sentence.

    "...are at all  really Americans?"  This can't be answered as I do not now who the Amerians are that you originally referred to.

    Are you trying to ask if those presently residing in and who were born in the United States of America and who consider and usually call themselves Americans are really citizens of said country and thereby Americans?

    Are you trying to ask about the once native population of this country prior to the arrival of the Europeans and colonization of this country?

    There are some other possible options but you might now see the point I am referring to.

    By the way, your question either was deleted today or is being deleted today.

    Perhaps if you post again and make you thought a bit clearer, someone might answer you in a way that will assist you in finding the information you seem to be seeking.

    As I have seen other post by you I find myself wondering if you are realy or a fake becoming a "troll"?

    Be well.

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