
Do the Americans understand what the United Kingdom, Britain & the countries of the U.K. are & where they are?

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I hear that most Americans don't even know where England is. Is this true, are they very un aware of the world?

Do the Americans know that there is a country called Northern Ireland in the U.K., there are four countries in the U,K. (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) and that Britain is England, Wales and Scotland?

Do they learn about things like that in Geography?




  1. Wow !!! Sorry I was not aware of the entire structure of the United Kingdom. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. See, You have just taught something important about Geography.

  2. you're bloody kidding aren't you? If they could even point to the British Isles i would be impressed.

    And to all you Yanks asking us to name all of the states i will do if can name all of our counties

  3. united kingdom is made of four parts. They are England, Scotland, wales and northern Ireland, And Britain is  a north part of France. People use the term Great Britain when Talking about England, Scotland and Wales only

  4. I probably know more geography then you, considering I love geology and can name and point out any country on a map, and even regions and states that aren't labeled. I could most likely even tell you what their flag looks like, their culture, language, ethnicity, ect. I am sort of a nerd for the world. In my oppinion I hope that North Ireland gets freedom from the UK, even though many disagree, but yes I do know where England is, Scotland, and the RoI is.

    The real question though is do you know all of our states? If you are going to nag on us, I want you to memorize all of our states. Knowing where England is, is really not that important, it is a state within a country that will not give you that much of an advantage in life.

  5. i always argue with americans cos they claim that england is a state not a country so somewhere they've gone wrong in geography and in the ****** head

  6. For years, Americans as a whole have been pretty poor at geography, but recently it's gotten even worse. With all the BS that goes with NCLB, all the emphasis is on reading and math because they're what's primarily used to measure if schools are meeting standards.  

  7. Some will and some will not but how many randomly picked people in the UK could name all the US States and know where they were in relation to one another?

  8. Well I spend quite a bit of time in USA, and folks I have spoken of are all very aware of the UK, and very interested in learning more, as most have ancestors who come from one part or another of the UK.  

    On the other hand I have spoken to English who have had no idea there was a Perth in Scotland and made sarcastic comments about the Scots stealing the name from Perth in Australia.  Also when ordering something via the phone to got to Aberdeen, Scotland, I was asked which part of Glasgow that was in.  When Said that no, Aberdeen was a separate city,  the guy said "But Scotland is in Glasgow".  I hung up, knew there was no way I was going to get through to that one.    

    Oh then there was the couple from London who were on a coach trip on the Isle of Skye who contradicted the guide in Dunvegan Castle.  Told the guide he was wrong about Skye being a part of Scotland, it belonged (like the rest of the Scottish Islands) to Norway.  We were visiting the castle at the time and overheard that one.  Even the Japanese tourists turned and just looked at them.

    So it just shows there are folks from all over who are "very un aware of the world"


    An American friends asked me to add this.

    "By the way, old boy, you misspelled "separate."  (from a colonial)"

  9. Um, I'd say I'm pretty aware of the fact

  10. yeah and it was messed up how the irish were treated.

  11. I know exactly where England is.

  12. i can honestly say that i don't completely know where everything is exactly. i have a general idea. and if you give me a map, i could find them faster than i could find waldo. :)

    Sorry, didn't pay much attention in european geography or history.  

  13. It's not just the Americans. I've heard and read a lot of English confusing the two aswell!!

    In actual, legal fact there are 6 countries within the British Isles.

    England, Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Mann.

  14. The Brits are not that much brighter. When I tell them where I come from (Estonia) some people have no idea, others have asked whether it's near Cosovo and whether there's a war... the mind boggles.

    Anyway, to give you a smile, here's the world according to the Americans:

  15. n.ireland is also Britain

  16. last year i was made to memorize the name and location of every country in the world... of COURSE i know where england is, silly!

    and my ancestors come from scotland, so i totally know about there... wales and northern ireland too!

    don't believe everything you hear about us "dumb americans"

  17. As a Scot I can tell you that you are very misinformed.

    Scotland,Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland are NOT countries. Please look up the internationally agreed definition of a country/state.

    So please correct your own information because criticising others.

    Thank you

  18. Yes.  I know where England is and all the countries of the UK.  I do know there is a Northern Ireland.  Geography is my favorite subject!  I could probably tell you where any country is.  Ask me! lol

    Do you know all of the US states and exactly where they are located?

  19. Ireland never had anything to do with the U.K - unless you're counting the plantations where land was stolen, people were killed and natives were given the worst part of the land. xD

    Oh, and by-the-by, in Geography, you learn about things like monsoons, town planning and chi-squared statistics. ;)

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