
Do the British tennis fans, put to much expectation on the shoulder off a petulant Young man from Scotland?

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Yes i know he played well. All that screaming and shouting i feel is a bit much




  1. The English, Scottish & Welsh are all British,

    He will love it, he's a made Man now, whatever happens,

  2. Much as I hate to say this, British tennis fans put LOADS of expectation on the shoulders of a young man from ENGLAND for years! Fair enough, Tim Henman wasn't one for temper tantrums but there are MANY players, both male and female who bawl and shout, grunt and groan. All I can say is if shouting helps his game, then go for it Andy!!!! And if Andy Murray didn't prove his worth yesterday, I don't know when he will. FFS! He did a LAZARUS yesterday!

    DUIRMUID: Was that a bit "tongue in cheek"? Scot he is - scrawny and little he ain't!!!!!!

  3. Yes but who else is there?   happens with all the  young men  who start to make the grade,  crowd idolisation.

  4. British sports fans put too much expectations on ALL British sports stars (not just tennis ones), whichever part of Britain they are from.

    If you were in Andy's shoes, I bet you couldn't bottle up your emotions.

  5. yes you're right. a tennis player has to prove his worth before i shout for him and murray hasnt done that.  hes dour and sour. i dont like him and i hope nadal wins,

  6. He wont be as good as Tim Henman.

  7. I would have thought so but he thanked the crowd after so he must like it.

  8. If he were Engish he'd be playing for England.

    If he's Scotch hes British.


    Makes you sick.

    Just because they dont have any half decent players!

  9. Yes I agree its not just Wimbledon and British is it all that screaming and shouting, ruins the appetite for the strawbs and cream and Pimms and over some scrawny little Scot.

  10. Andy Murray came of age yesterday.  You could alomst see him mature durung the last 3 sets.

    And as for the cheering - it ws Murray himself encouraging it.  

    I thnik this year he is lucky because there is no real expectation.  Just cheer on a lad who  is doing well.

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