
Do the COT help enable "bad drivers" to stay in the race longer and cause more wrecks?

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Being these cars don't wreck as easily it seems to me that drivers who should be out of a race for a bone-head move get another chance to continue to make bone-head moves.




  1. No, it causes better drivers to shine and worse drivers flounder because there is less bias on the equipment and more on the driver's ability.

  2. The COT allows any driver to stay in race longer after an minor incident.  The bad driver is going cause accidents in any type car.

  3. I like that wrecks don't usually involve as many cars now, but you're right.  At the last race I felt so bad for Jeff Burton and Ryan Newman.  Wrong place, wrong time.

  4. maybe so but do you want to see drivers getting dnfs for one tiny mistake the best thing about COT is its durability seeing a guys day end just because of a "bad driver" isnt very nice either is it? does the COT give some guys too much confidence i think is the real question.

  5. You may be right about the "bone-head move" but it has allowed many drivers to "bone-head" and not take other cars out. This weekends Daytona race is a perfect example: Kyle Busch was hit and was able to pull the car down on the apron and regain control, in the old car he would of spun out possibly taking many other cars with him. there are still plenty of wrecks but many times a wrecking car is now able to be saved.

    As far as bad drivers, there are many that are not as good as some but remember they ARE in Nascar at the highest levels. They didn't get there by being "bad drivers" nor are they staying there by being "bad drivers".

  6. That's an interesting way of looking at it but I think it is true, to a degree.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  7. The car is more durable and allows all drivers to stay in the race in certain situations that they may not have been able to with the old car.

    The bone head moves by all drivers makes for some exciting races. The mystique of the unexpected is a lot better than long green domination runs.

  8. They all make 'bone-head' moves.  They're all human after all.  Actually, I like the fact that cars can keep going after getting hit.  Some of the drivers just get caught up in something that's not their fault, it's nice to see them able to keep going.  Look at what happened to Newman on Saturday, it wasn't until the third hit that he got taken out, and none of them were his fault.

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