
Do the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese discriminate against foreign mongoloids?

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Do the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese discriminate against foreigners who look racially like them? Which one among these three countries is the most anti foreigner (who has similar looks)?




  1. during ww2, the japanese mistreated filipinos after invading the philippines. the japenese saw themselves as superior over the filipinos who are chinese looking people. i guess racism also happens beyond the caucasian race.

  2. I am half Korean and I know a few full Koreans from Korea that still have a lot of animosity towards the Japanese from past wars. A lot of the Japanese used Koreans as slaves and raped the women. I know one Korean man that had his chest carved into from a Japanese soldier. But this was a long time ago. I am not sure about how the Japanese, but now, a lot of the younger generation Koreans don't hate as much.

  3. Yes, the Japanese are notorious for that. The others? Not so much, but they do it just the same. Particularly against the round eyes. I know....that's not what you asked but man you wouldn't believe how much they look down on the round eyes.

  4. I'm japanese as well; japanese isn't racist.*sweatdrop*

    well... korea and japan have some competition going on... like that island.... Dokdo or something

    I believe the competition over it is plain stupid. it obviously belongs to korea o3o

  5. Oh yes, they do.  I've heard the Japanese are some of the most virulent racists on earth.  Think of a white guy who hates negroes worse than Bull Connor and you've got the general attitude of the Japanese (in general) about non-Japanese.  (Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming all Japanese hate other races, just that I understand a lot of them do.)

    And the fact that they've done invasions of other countries as a result of World War II makes them kind of unpopular.  An easy way to get assaulted in (South) Korea, I understand, is to call someone who's Korean a j*p.  Or maybe it's calling a Chinaman a j*p, I'm not sure.  Both Korea and (The Rape of) Nanking have big scars from Japanese invasions

  6. Yes. My wife is Chinese/ Philippina and she wanted to teach English in Japan. She is American born, so did not know how much different it was there. The Japanese guy doing the interview told her "we do not like your kind and do not want you in our country." Needless to say she did not get the job. She went to Japan anyway to visit, and was refused service in some places when they found out her heritage.

    Hines Ward went to Korea after winning the SuperBowl to work on racial tension in that country.

    China: Tibet, Mongolia.

    I do not know of a single country that can say that they have absolutely no racism, and believe me I am looking. If someone knows of one please let me know.  It is one of the American myths I would like to destroy: Racism only exist in America. So far I have not been able to find a single other country that does not have any racism.

  7. Having spent time in Japan & Korea, I found them to be somewhat racist.  However this was in the 50's & 60's & I noticed a somewhat different attitude emerging among the young people of that time.  Due to the attrocities of WW2 this kind of dislike & even hatred was understandable.  I found the Chinese in Hong Kong to be the least likely to distrust foreign Asians. However, I spent only 2 weeks in Hong Kong.  

    Non Asians were a different matter & mixed blood children faced a hard life in any Asian country at that time. I suspect that is still true, due to speaking with several associates in a number of Asian countries.  The Japanese have always felt superior to other Asians & I doubt that mindset has changed markably the last 50 or 60 years.

    The Koreans & Chinese viewed the Japanese as sub human monsters born without basic human compassion.  Chinese & Koreans both wanted the US to severely punish the Japanese & saw the post war attitude of the US to be dangerous when dealing with a people & culture they saw as severely flawed.

    Added 6/11:  The US is the only country to make a concentrated effort  to tackle racism among her citizens & institutions.  Due to the racial mix & creed of "created equal" for all citizens, it has become an important problem that few other countries are willing to devote resources toward.  I agree with  the posters that see all countries as racist.   We in the US simply talk about this problem more than others & make an attempt to address the issue.

  8. it is not so much about looking different as it is about values and tradition. the language is very, very important but even when a korean girl learns fluent japanese, she still has pride, values and tradition that is korean. believe it or not. it all works out.

    above me, joe 1 max, speaks the truth. thanks joe 1 max. hang in there and keep it up. americans have been brainwashed until they see the empeorer's new clothes. but we know. hope you can make others know the truth, d**n it! just study the applicable answers and questions on yahoo. crazy. public schools in american truly suck.

  9. i am japanese and im not racist against them. Everyone looks different but,,,,i think most japanese are not racist either...We are most friendly

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