
Do the Chinese Olympic gymnasts watch Baby Einstein videos before they perform to help them concentrate?

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I actually think it is very sad the way the Chinese seperate these young children from their families for their entire childhood. That one girl was supposedly 3 years old when they took her from her family.




  1. The Cinese seem to be willing to do anything to win including cheat. Where is the honor in that?

  2. No they have a bottle and a nap 45 minutes before they compete.

  3. When an American wins, CHinese people still CHeer. When a Chinese wins, Americans go bitter. Sad.


    China is different. Our circumstances are different. Chinese families do not have the home sweet home you have in the USA. There is so much poverty and even starvation in the rural villages. Many kids and parents dream about making it to provincial or national team where they get free food and allowance. All these liberal ideas about no child labor and stuff is only applicable in countries where people are not getting hungry. In Africa and Asia, there are thousands or millions of child workers---BECAUSE THEY ARE HUNGRY. You have to live in China before you make judgment based on Western circumstances and ideologies. And kids from CHina are good kids....they don't whine a lot but help their parents survive.

    And also, you are judging other cultures based on your personal experiences and personal perspective. What is difficult for you is not difficult for people who live in a different world.

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