
Do the City and Fleet Street rule the UK ?

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Do the City and Fleet Street rule the UK ?




  1. Only if we let them.

    Money is power, true enough, but people power can be even stronger. We don't have to believe what the Press tell us - we don't even have to buy a newspaper!

  2. I think Michael K is trying to ask a rhetorical question rather than being stupid as some of you seem to be suggesting.

    But to the question. Yes, without a doubt. Everything today is about money. If you have it, you have power and influence. Everything is seen as profit or loss. Nobody seems concerned with just helping their fellow man and hoping that help will be there for them should they ever need it.

    Slightly off post, but relevant is the current situation where parts of Norfolk are to be abandoned to the sea. If this was London, we’d soon see something like the Thames barrier being constructed.

    I can’t wait to see what happens when and if global warming puts London under 60 feet of water. Will they build an 80 foot high wall? Or will they just move inland a bit and take whatever property they need?

    At the end of it all, when a global disaster strikes the survivors, the ones who know how to live off the land won’t be interested in their money. It’ll be worthless. I hope I live to see it.

  3. Hi

    Don't know where you've been pal but sadly the wishy washy spineless politicians of the U.K.have sold us out to Brussles via the E.U.

    Ray. West York's. U.K.

  4. Yes.they have a lot of power in influencing peoples attitudes on political mainstream parties.Members of Parliament are now more concerned about their little 'fiddles' being exposed in the press.

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