
Do the Cullens take a shower?

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None of the books mention any of the Cullen's taking a shower so i didn't know. I read the first twelve chapters of Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer's website, which is Twilight from Edwards perspective. And it mentions NOTHING about him taking a shower.




  1. I don't think they do... but I think they CAN. Like with the eating... Edward eats a dinner once, but doesn't like it much- but he CAN do it. I think they can do those "human" things, but just not needed.  

  2. No i don't think they need to

  3. Yes they do. I mean even they get dirty. *Nice image

  4. they probably could not produce sweat, another thing they stop when they become vampires

  5. yess i do.

  6. I think that they would if they had to. It's not like they get B.O. But what if they got blood or dirt on themselves while hunting, they would take a shower. But they probably don't usually, just when they get dirty.

  7. No, in Breaking Dawn Bella mentions a few times how she'd never have to stop making love to Edward for human things such as showers, toilet breaks or food or fatigue. :P

  8. They don't perspire so they wouldn't need to take showers as much as a human, but they might want to shower from time to time. I don't think they'd shower often though.  

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