
Do the Democrats in Congress truly have nothing better to do than to engage in a witch hunt against Karl Rove?

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Some of you guys act like there is no doubt that Karl Rove has committed some sort of crime. There's a group of lawyers in the justice dept who say that Karl Rove did absolutely nothing illegal. You may not like Karl Rove, but it's doubtful that he did anything wrong that violates a law.

Don't even compare this to Clinton. By his own admission, he committed numerous counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. He was fined and disbarred. It wasn't a witch hunt. On the other hand, the Karl Rove debate centers around a precise and highly disputed interpretation on what executive privilege includes. Many, many credible and knowledgeable people will swear Rove did nothing illegal. No one says that about Clinton.




  1. It keeps them from having to vote on allowing us to drill OUR OWN OIL!!!

  2. The Republicans did against Clinton didn't they . If you commit a crime then do the time !!!

  3. The allegations against Rove are quite serious. Do Republicans only believe in accountability for Democrats?

  4. I can't think of anything more important offhand.  The guy is a commentator on Fox, and he should be in prison.  Maybe he'll roll over on Bush and Cheney and they'll give us the really big names.

  5. Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you've lost sight of your goals.

  6. Oh, they have better things to do, but the Republicans and president won't let them do them.  Karl Rove has had his hand in more scandals than almost anyone else in politics.  The Democrats are excited that they might finally have some charges that can stick to him.

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