
Do the English like the Germans?

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In our television and newspapers often is said that the English (not so the Irish and Scottish) don't like the Germans and some even think that the Germans are still n***s which is really not true and never was.

Sure many voted for Hitler, but not because they wanted war or kill the Jewels, just for not having to be hungry and having work.

So has the (football) world cup improved the image of the Germans in England?

Thank you very much for your answers.




  1. only the idiots think that all the germans are n***s

    my girlfriend is german and Iam asian dude

    I have no problem in Germany

  2. some english like the germans some dont

    but most could realy care less

  3. some idiots do hate Germans .... i really do think we need to move on , I have no problems with any nationality , The world cup has helped a fair bit  

  4. The Germans are hated by all the British - not just the English

  5. Lies

    the chances of Germany still being n***s - 1946 is less than the USA still being Jim Crows - 1964

    And I like both countries

  6. The British don't like anyone but themselves, and even that is confusing.  

  7. Your newspaper is talking rubbish. There are all kinds in Germany and all kinds in Britain some good some not so good but we are alike in many ways. There are n***s in Britain too but that dont mean all Brits are n***s. Do not judge everybody by their race but by the particular person's character and personality.  

  8. wind up merchant.

  9. well

    at international sporting events people still hold up placards saying "We won the war!"

    i dont have anything against germans, but their modern music is the worst EVER.

    i dont think anyone actually really cares aboout hating germany anymore...they havent really done anything bad in the last 20 years have they????

  10. Don't take the media seriously. One of the disadvantages of a relatively unregulated press is that you get sensationalist nonsense published.

    It's not possible to generalise accurately, but older English people who lived through the war will have a more jaundiced opinion of Germans, but younger ones are more amenable.

    Personally, I have only met one person who really wouldn't have anything to do with Germans.

    Of course, there are always the brain-dead football hooligan types who delight in anti-German chants and comments. Most of these don't have a clue about anything anyway. There will always be xenophobic idiots.

    In Germany they still have a problem with neo-n**i yobs who are their equivalent of our skinheads (remember them?). Despite the yobs' swastikas and deaths-head badges (these symbols are illegal so there will be prosecutions) nobody takes their pretentious posturing seriously because the modern brutish skinhead is a pussycat compared to a real n**i - and those are incredibly rare, thank God.

    On the other side of the Channel, I have never met a German who hasn't made me feel very welcome in the Fatherland. The ordinary person (not the official political opinion) does seem to like the English, and the Scots, much more than our trans-Atlantic cousins (or the French); but don't seem to know much about the Welsh.

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