
Do the Filp Camcorders have good quality?

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I own a digital camera and it takes videos. Are the videos on the flip any better than digital camera videos and if so enough of a difference to buy it? They are not that expensive, but I certainly don't want to waste any money. Please help me. I need real answers.




  1. Flip Sony handy cam is the actual camcorder you need. You can visit for photos

  2. No. In both cases, the video captured is compressed a lot - that is how if fits in the small memory those cameras have. Compressed video = discarded data = reduced video quality...

    You know when you watch a video on your computer that someone emailed you and it is about 10 meg and it is in a window about 1 inch tall and maybe and inch and a half wide - and when it is small, it looks OK, but you think, hey, I have this whole screen, I'll just make it bigger so you do and it looks REALLY crappy? THAT is what compression did. Because in order for the full screen video to look good, it would probably be a couple of hundred meg and could not be emailed.

    I don't know what digital camera you have to be sure, but chances are pretty good its video is just as good as a flip. When you decide to do REAL video and make the jump to miniDV tape, THEN there will be a huge difference.

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