
Do the Germans continue to be intelligent to this day?

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I just asked a question about the great German developments. Although my question was limited to weapons development but being a ChE myself I know the Germans have contributed extensively to Chemistry and other sciences. I also know that the largest chemical company in the world (BASF) is German. I know that the Germans make the best cars in the world. My mother is a huge fan of Mercedes. You guys rock.

OK. My question is do you (Germans) continue to work on developing new products that will benefit society in general or are you content with your contribution to society?

Original question:;_ylt=AmC1Y2.Tz0jC09G_UCY7Vfnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080626203427AAjgJqj

PS: I have a lot of respect for Germans. I am like surprised that you guys were so capable and smart.




  1. No Japan, China, The US, Russia have all succeeded them in terms of advancements in technology. Switzerland is definitely more advanced. If your going to praise anyone about intelligence extol the Swiss

  2. The former West Germans are sharp, but the folks from the East lag behind.   They are great at math and science and technically astute.  They are average size compared to my people from Denmark where the people are taller, blonder, and have blue or green eyes.  The autos are good, but not the best.

  3. i though hong kongers were the smartest

  4. yes  they do. why ?? out of need we live from export so everything has to be better.  and we are the best in machine tools  heavy  machinery etc and on

  5. Germany and the Netherlands (Dutch) have the highest IQ and are the tallest people on the planet (Average IQ 110, height 6'1")

    They are the most advanced in modern technologies, like communication, the entire country is already on glasfiber cables, which the USA won't have until 2050, if.

    In weapons, research is very limited, because Germany has since 1919 and again since 1945 strict restrictions for their development, production and sale, which works very positive for their economy (No dependence on war mongering)

    However, the country is best equiped to deal with the energie crisis, since it is the most invested and advanced in alternative technologies too and has a fantastic infrastructure.

  6. Well, it's nice that everybody agrees we make great cars, lead in environmental friendly technologies and have great technology, but what about all the pharmaceutical stuff going on? And what about the biotechnological developments people are working on? Sorry, that is my field of study, and there is a lot going on here in Germany in those research fields. Galenical challenges, food biotechnology, alternative fuels, microinvasive operation methods and diagnostic procedures, alternative (for that, read: cheaper) production methods for existing drugs to acchieve better affordability for poorer countries (for that, read, in some cases: eliminating diseases ((like Lepra)), developing new recycling/cleaning methods for waste-water, research for heart disease, cancer treatment, cell research (eliminating, in some cases, research on animals by developing methods to do the same research on cells), microstructural research, therapeutical proteins....

    labs are great!

  7. Yes most are!!

    Their are a few of course just as in any country that have their idiots but over all they have always been a techincally advanced nation ahead of many nations in Science.

    I think they also have a better education system than in the USA and my friend is an 8th Grade teacher and went to Germany with me and we visited a few schools (Gymansiums) and they were far different than in the USA, she liked them much more.

    Yes they do continue on such things, they have one of the BEST TANKS in the world today but just not in mass numbers.

  8. the germans are leading nation on developing hydrogen cars

    (there already drive quite many hydrogen busses in germany)

    it will be a huge change and good for the world

    Bmw has a hydrogen car ptototype which drives 302 km/h

    comes from 0-100 in 6 seconds

  9. I hope this guys are, but I have my doubts.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


    @Alwin: Wie ist es, wenn Du Deinen alten Avatar wieder nimmst, man erkennt Dich ja garnicht wieder.

  10. Nowadays we make inventions and the Asians copy it and sell it much cheaper ...

    We have many universities, good and bad ones but no real top-universities like in the US, so no real top educated people. They want to change that though.

  11. We're leading in alternative energies, like solar power. If it weren't for international interests, we could build houses that produce more energy than they consume. It has been proven by experiment, but as to now, it would be too great an investment for the average house owner.

    As to now...

    (As to your other question, we're deep thinkers, and the answer always is "42".)

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