
Do the Germans speak English in Bavaria, Frankfurt and Cologne?

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I've been to Berlin and I know alot of people speak fair to good english there. But I want to visit Frankfurt, Cologne and Bavaria and I hardly speak any German. I'm learning but I'm a slow learner. Will I have difficulties trying to communicate in these cities?




  1. A lot of German people have the capability of communicating in a foreign language, such as English, since they have learned it at school for at least six years.

    So if you ask friendly: "sprekken see English" which means "do you speak English", the will not hesitate to provide you the information you've been asking for.

  2. HoooooGan!

    That's all the german I know!

  3. I'm Bavarian and I think I do speak English. So will people in Frankfurt and Cologne.

    You sure will have difficulties communicating in these areas, as there is no "standrd German". In Bavaria, we speak Bavarian, in Frankfurt, they speak Hessisch, and in Cologne, they speak Kölsch. To me, as a Bavarian, the Hesse dialect is hardly understandable, and Kölsch is out of my mental capabilities.

    But don't worry too much: We all speak "standard German" as well, and are friendly to strangers, usually adapting to thir language, as far as we know it.


    > [Bavaria] is based on tourist for it's survival

    I strongly contradict! We build the BMWs, also referred to as "Bayerische Mistwägen" in Germany.

  4. franconia ( about an hour east of frankfurt by wurzburg...(bavaria)....maybe)  in big cities many people speak english and fairly well....most all the children do throughout germany...  I live in bravaria and dont understand some of the german all sounds like mumble jumble...kinda like the hicks in will find this mostly in small towns where americans are rarely seen.  few can speak ''hoch Deutsch''  but still they are very friendly and as long as you at least try to speak german they are happy...and dont worry they will know as soon as you come through the door your not a german....good luck....und macht spaß!

  5. Hello,,english is very common,,and you need to learn how to ask for an english speaking person.

  6. I'm an American living in Germany for 20 years.  I do travel a lot, Bavaria in my opinion speaks the most english, why, because it is based on tourist for it's survival.  I have never run into a problem traveling in Bavaria using english.  I do speak German just not the Bavarian German.  It is fun to listen to thou.  I live 30 minutes outside of Frankfurt in a city called Mainz.  Frankfurt is a typical international city with all types of people.  It is known as the banking capitol of Europe so it has a large english speaking population.  For Koln, Cologne, it is a city in which you will not have a problem getting around as a lot of tourist visit there, especially the

    Chocolate museum with it's chocolate fountain.  If you are planning a trip to Germany let me advise you to visit Hamburg.  A fantastic seaport city in the north of Germany.  There is also the city of Trier an old Roman stronghold and a University town on the border of Luxembourg and France.  Hope the information helps.

  7. OK, first of all: Bavaria is not a city. It is one of the German "States". That said, let me add: it's the state which supposedly has the best school system in Germany, and the hardest finals. And yes, people do learn English there. It was also controlled by the US-Americans after the war, and there are still some Army-bases there, so people are quite used to running into people who talk English, and only English. You should be able to get through, especially in bigger cities. Small villages might be something different, though.

    You should also be fine in Frankfurt and Cologne. They are both tourist and business places with loads of travellers from around the world.

    Keep on studying German, though. It is always nice to have somebody at least make the effort! German is not easy to lern, so keep your head up!

    Have fun!

  8. Germans do not speak English in certain parts of the country it depends on the people if they know English really well, but since its Germany they well pretty much you their native tongue which is German, you just got to ask a fellow German Sprechen sie Englisch or Verstehen sie Englisch which mean do you speak English or do you undrstand English

    they well probably say Ja! or Nein! which means yes or no.

  9. Yes. They learn English already at school starts with 3. Grade.

    So don't worry, in Frankfurt was so many Americans, they closed the bases there more than 15 years ago. But near Cologne and Bavaria area living so many Americans.

    People are friendly and helpful. Have fun and enjoy your trip in Germany. I don't have any problems here. Army spouse.

  10. I agree with Frackled she gave you a perfect answer !!

    I 'd like to add that when visiting Frankfurt it might be helpfull to speak some 'sheep' due to the recent events there :))

    If this answer surprises you check out previous q&a in Frankfurt area  :))

    Have a nice trip and enjoy your stay in Germany

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