
Do the Global Warmers feel used yet?

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If not because scientists are debunking Gore's cause on a daily basis, but because the dude is getting rich off alarming you.




  1. Yes Al Gore is taking some financial losses in his efforts to benefit humanity.  He has invested huge sums of money from his movie and speaking engagements in enterprises with no possibility of a profit.  I doubt he expected that the "startup" projects in your link would be moneymakers right from the beginning.  Believe it or not, some of the gibbon's on here think he and other environmentalists are getting rich off of Global Warming!  How retarded is that?

  2. Not at all.   Do you feel used paying 3.899 per gallon for your gas hog or the doubling of electricity rates with your money going into the pockets of the already rich?

  3. I think Gore still has his flock of sheep, and when they all fall into h**l, Gore can turn around, and tell them... "See I told you we were all gonna burn up"- lmao

  4. Debunking is their job, Dude!  If we all believed on the same day there'd be lots to answer for.  Like that bumper sticker says in we aren't pissed off, we are not paying enough attention.....that is true.  In the same sense, place blame where it is actually appropriate, the BUSHIES are making a but load off us right now!  I am much more sick of being used Today, than I was in the 90's.  Anyone can point fingers, that only get fingers pointing back.....what are we to DO about it is the real question. !!!

  5. I certainly hope so, because they're all tools.

  6. . . . and Rush Limbaugh and "W" are getting poor telling us the truth.

  7. yes, it is used yet, it is now like the religion, but the ecologists are the leaders.

  8. Scientists aren't debunking Gore's cause. Global warming is real. If Science is showing anything that may look like it "debunks" Gore's cause, it is that this climate change is not by any means the more drastic the planet has experienced and that it is part of a larger cycle of such climate changes.

    That said, you should be alarmed. It's still enough to make many species we know and love (and us!) go extinct.

    Have you even watched An Inconvenient Truth?

  9. They should feel used, because its just another scam.  Ok, the earth's temperature has increased 1 degree F over the past 150 years.  But now there is data that dates back thousands of years ago that shows it's a warming/cooling trend that the earth goes through.  The earth will heat up and then cool down.

    I have some fun data to show you, since I DESPISE Al Gore and all his followers.

    Ok 1977 President Jimmy Carter addressed the US, stating that we would infact be running out of oil because the supply vrs demand was too much!!

    Check it out yourself...

    Before that, in 1974 the cover of TIME magazine said Scientists feared we were headed into another Ice Age!  Read ~~>

    Now they say "Big Bad Global Warming is here to stay and it will destroy all of us."

    What about Polar Ice Caps Melting on Mars.  That just means it's what planets do.  They heat up and change and then cool.  Or maybe the sun heats up, but not because of us... So here's another one..

    The last thing is

    The Earth is covered by 75% water,

    17% is covered by ice,mountains, deserts

    5% covered by forests, farmlands, lakes

    3% is inhabited.  

    So PLESE don't tell me that 3% of the earth is causing all these so called problems.

    Please, take a look at this website, its the most valuabl one of them all:

    I take advanced Chemistry in college and my professor has been teaching Chemistry for over 30 years and he says "Global Warming is the biggest Hoax he has ever seen."  

    I know I went overboard and got a little dramatic.. sorry!

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