
Do the Irish not like polish visitors?

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Given that they are doing the jobs that most irish people would not do and help keep the irish economy going.




  1. I don't get this "losing our identity" stuff. How do we identify ourselves as Irish people? By shopping in Tesco and Debenhams? By supporting Man U, Liverpool or even Sunderland? By eating in McDonalds? By speaking with Americanised accents? I really don't understand where the Polish come into this.

    And to the first answerer: What's a non-national? Do you mean non-Irish national? And if so, do you also get annoyed by the amount of English people in Ireland seeing as they're the largest group of non-Irish nationals in the country?

  2. Collectively?

  3. lets put it this way does a dog like getting its bone taking away, no i don't like them

  4. when ya start seeing polish shops going up all around the place -- signs in polish and leaflets in banks in polish it just says that the place is FULL of them- theres apartment blocks around here and its like being in Poland with the amount of them living there...the polish men are very rough and creepy!  the women seem to be different though - friendly and hard workers! thats just my opinion

  5. I've found that Polish and Czech guys are very good workers, they come in and get straight down to business, no messing around with the kettle and having cups of tea before doing a bit of work. I think that a lot of Irish workers could learn from this attitude. I'm delighted we have good workers in Ireland who give value for money, I'm sick of paying over the odds for shoddy work.

  6. Ireland is a small place, and word gets around quick. As a small nation i think it is only fair to say that YES sometimes we feel lost as a nation due the large increasing number of non-nationists in the country. Before you slate me for being racist etc... .  we are composed  of approx 4,109 Irish .It was estimated  last summer of June 07 that approx 40,000 polish people were present in Ireland. Keep in mind ,this is bigger than the combined population of county Leitrim and Roscommon. and that was a year ago! Are we are loosing our identity as a nation? possibly.

  7. You can't tar them all with the same brush and I do think some people do just that. They'll bump into a Polish shop assistant who's having a bad day (therefore is grumpy) and since we're a nation of moaners, they'll go on to slate the lot of them. All of this mixing is great for broadening minds and everything, but I agree with what the first answer said, it's like we're losing our identity. If you walk around Dublin you see 10x more foreigners than Irish people. I dunno, it's just that there's so many of them and so few of us...

  8. dont know

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