
Do the Jets PPlay the Packers

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Do the Jets play the packers tonight in a Pre-Season game ?




  1. no..and that is exacly y brett got traded ...the packers dont want to face brett........these two teams dont play at all  

  2. I DON'T THINK THEY DO!!I WISH..........................

  3. Not in the 08-09 season. Only if they get to the play-offs and/or super bowl.

  4. Nope, Farve will never face the Packers, unless they play in the Super bowl

  5. No

  6. The short answer is "No", but not exactly...

    Not until 2010, as the cross-conference divisional matchups  for the AFC east and the NFC north are slated for that year.

    No date will be scheduled until after the 2009 season.

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