
Do the MVP mean anything in the NBA?

by Guest59081  |  earlier

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If you dont win it all the the MVP award really do not mean anything! Or it could mean: im the Best but my team suck and cant win the title




  1. YEP

  2. No the MVP is based on the success of the team. That's why Kobe didn't get it before the 07-08 season. You could be the real MVP, but if your team sucks and has a bad record, then you won't be in the running.

  3. No not really cuz it goes for the best in the season, but season and playoff basketball different, and we have seen that w/ Dirk, & w/ Kobe.  who cares if u killed durin the season, if u can bring ur team together to play like champions in the playoff, ur jus exactly what u got an award for being the best during the season.

  4. I don't think MVPs mean anything. They go to the best player on the best team. Kobe should've won it the last 3 years in my opinion and that first year Nash won it. It should've gone to Shaq.

  5. Today it means you are the best player on the "best team"...wich makes No sense........It used to mean you were the player of the year.

  6. umm Kobe didnt deserve it, Ill tell you that much!

  7. its a team game so any individual awards are meaningless

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