
Do the NRL deserve any sympathy for the current SBW dramas?

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Loyalty coming from the NRL - what a joke, NRL clubs are no different to other sporting codes they pay for players loyalty and they make money from those players. NRL clubs have released players when injured, or when they find someone better and have let players walk away from their contracts. Please stop playing the moral high ground now. Contracts are only as strong as the person who writes them, lawyers will always find a way out. All sports people have a limited shelf life. If someone offered you a better package working for them would you walk? or do you have loyalty to your current employer to stay? Remember the NRL is a money making tool. Good luck SBW earn the money while you can, stuff what everyone else thinks, they dont pay your bills or look after your family.




  1. No.

  2. h**l No!!! I am so with you on this one.  He did what he thought he had to do.  If he was to do it the right way, there is no way in h**l they would have let him go, that's the reason they're spewing.  He was two steps ahead.  I've got no respect for the NRL, after they started throwing around threats of jail time, lifetime bans, seizure of assets and all that c**p.  And speaking of breaching contracts, was it not Joey Johns who had to admit using drugs throughout his NRL career after he got busted overseas, I didn't hear about him being bombarded with threats of Jail time.  That to me is far worse than walking out on your contract.  What kind of message does that send up and coming players and kids, "It's okay to do drugs throughout your career, because we'll support you in your time of crisis", but walk out on us, and we'll throw the book at you".  The NRL need to get off their high horse and stop moving the goal posts when it suits them, just like they released Kurt Reynoldson from his contract with two years remaining.  Pack of hyprocites.  Now that a player has actually done what they've done to others, then all the s&*t hits the fan.  I say "Good onya" Sonny Bill and Good Luck!!!

  3. Ever heard of breach of contract? It's against the law!!!! He signed on the dotted line stating that the dogs pay him $450,000 a year and he plays for them for that period of time.

  4. the NRL wants to have its cake & eat it - it wants an international games but will not allow international pricing of players - look at soccer all our best players are based overseas where the money is



  6. no they dont deserve any sympathy. have you heard the gould gallop argument on mmm radio, gouldy was 100% right giving it to gallop because as some have already said the clubs of nrl have been screewin players for the past couple of years. look at reynoldson from the nights, petro from the broncs just to name a couple now gallop wants to make an example of SBW, what about the clubs that have reniged on there contracts to players. love the rugby league and hate seein it go the way it has for the past couple of years, need to get rid of the nrl and bring back arl!!!

  7. I agree, & strangely enough, I feel sorry for SBW.Every contract was made to be broken & I see SBW has a right to choose his own way in life. He was probably heavily influenced by manager & parents in the first place & now regrets  signing that contract. There will be a fine of some sort, but i don't doubt he will be willing to pay that to escape the sorry NRL & the Dogs.

  8. NRL doesn't deserve any sympathy. All it cares about is getting money fast and quick and matching AFL.

    To all those people crying about union taking league players, for 100 years, league took union players so let Union have its revenge for once.

    SBW has shown to the Bulldogs as what the Bulldogs have shown to its more famous club figures like Mason. The family culture of the Bulldogs is gone.

    However what comes around goes around. Ripping off its players has had an effect on the Bulldogs, look at its current position on the ladder.

  9. Absolutely spot on!!!

  10. My sympathy is with Canterbury, not the NRL.

  11. Unfortunately I agree with you on this. NRL is here to make money from the public by any means. If someone goes somewhere else for better money so be it. SBW is a professional i think he has done the right thing Good on him.

    Anyway how this is different from Mason going to Roosters?

  12. honestly think that ceo of nrl and bulldogs is making a mountain out of a mole hill those 2 men should be sacked

    SBW should be allowed too play union if he wants bulldogs have had SBW since 16yrs old he is now 23 .

    there is more too this than just taking off too france someone or something has got him too just take off  ceo of nrl and bulldogs are hiding something

  13. Is Gary I the biggest idiot on this forum? Is he a closet NRL supporter or what??? Deadset, sometimes he has something intelligent to say then the next hes bagging the NRL LOL.

    BTW Gary, if there's a mickey mouse comp in Australia, its the AFL since this is the only country people play it in. Or maybe you don't know what the term means lol.

  14. I agree with you. hehe

  15. The NRL have got what they deserve, they run a mickey mouse comp, players have been leaving for a few years now so it's not like they haven't seen it coming, gallop must go!!!

  16. No

  17. They don't deserve one iota of sympathy. For years clubs have let players go when they did not need them, contract or no contract. Similarly, how many coaches have been shown the door while still on contract (Chris Anderson is one who comes to  mind).

    The only difference in this instance is that it is now reversed. It is the player wanting to take action and not the club. As the old saying goes "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".

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