
Do the Patriots totally suck or what?

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Ok, I know it's preseason and that Brady was out so I'm not talking about the offense.

The 1st team defense and special teams got completely destroyed last night. Is there something wrong with them this year?




  1. I don't like the Patriots, okay. I'll just tell you that before I get started.

    The Preseason should mean nothing. The Lions are 2-0 in the preseason with wins against the Giants and Bengals.

    The opposing team might have their backbackbackbackbackups in, and the Patroits might have Tom Brady behind center. You'll win games that way. But it could also be the other way around. No one shows their best guys against the other team's best guy until the regular season.

  2. preseason dont mean scratch

  3. No i think they are a good team

  4. Let's wait until the regular season to find out.

  5. i hate the patriots but in reality they are still one of the most dominating teams in football. its only preseason. do you think there going to play there hardest for a game that doesn't matter. Go raiders!  (yes, i know they suck)

  6. well we never do that great in preseason.....i remember last year worrying about it during preseason and they ended up looking pretty good!

  7. Omg it's that new quarterback's fault! He throws interception after interception! BRING BRADY IN!

  8. Pre-season.  Belichick makes 0 adjustments.  If you are lined up in the worst possible way for what the other team is showing, oh well.  You want to see how guy react to being waaaay out of position.

  9. C'mon buddy...your a Colts know ole BB will pull something out of his, me, the Pats will be there with us in January

    P.S. Sorgi hasn't exactly lit the football world on fire yet! 3 games, 0 pre-season TD's!

  10. I always hate the Patriots Tuck rule my a**!

  11. no they are a good team and ai thin they will win the super bowl

  12. Why do you idiots put any stock into preseason? Colts NEVER win a preseason and are always amazing. Pats are no diffrent.

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