
Do the Republicans have the right idea for the USA?

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It would seem after being the cause of America becoming the most hated nation on Earth they would now cut you off from the rest of the World a little like the USSR did with its people?




  1. Here is is what they are offering:

    "The zealots and zombies of the Christian right, those dark armies of the night, are girding for battle behind Sarah Palin's flag and, to be sure, she has credentials to lead them."

    Okay, depends on WHICH KIND of zombies they are?

    1. slow and stupid...aka "Night of the Living Dead"...easy to take out.

    2. slow and smart...aka "Bub" from "Day of the Dead"....still not too bad.

    3. fast and stupid...aka 2004 "Dawn of the Dead" or "28 Days Later"....tricky.

    4. fast and smart...."Return of the Living Dead"....big trouble!!!!  

  2. Republicans are now the Democrats-#2 Party

  3. Definitely don't have the right idea. Palin thinks birth control and condoms are bad but I think most people need to use more of them. Especially Palin with her menagerie of children. She also slashed funding for an organization that helped pregnant teens get back on their feet with a place to live and training to get a decent job. That is just wrong. Sure, she has the money to take care of her teen's child but not every family does, and not every pregnant teen has a family to turn to.  

  4. No I do not think the GOP would do the best thing for the country.. Lower taxes for Big Corp., deny that Global Warming exists, take back so much progress we have made w human rights and women's rights, waist more money on a vietnam like war while our country struggles to stay on it's feet. I am promising you that if the GOP takes the house, we all better get ready to loose ours! Look at the foreclosure rate on homes! It is very sad that people only choose a party not ideas!

  5. Ask your self one question, are you better off now than 8 years ago? McCain has been in office 26 years and yet he just found out the USA is broken? He helped break it! Bush and the Republicans have gone a long way to ruin the American image. More of the same from McCain won't bring us back.

  6. Forget about the isolation - we're already isolated from the rest of the world, but our system is falling apart at the seams in all aspects, environment, economy, we need a change in a big way.

  7. The dems want to restrict trade. The cons want to keep the trade flowing. Stopping trade is a bad thing, as the value of the stuff we export is more than the products we import. People have hated us since the gettgo, we like it that way. Nice guys finish last and get tread on like door mats.  Hence "don’t tread on me." the last thing we want in this world is for others to think were soft. The 27 million people we are securing democracy in Iraq for, don’t hate us. It’s the communistic countries and extremists, who treat their people inhumanely that don’t like us. We know exactly where were going, we have been in a battle of good vs. evil since Hitler sacked all of Europe. There are those that would argue that bringing democracy to the near and middle east has been an investment for the US since we carved up the Ottoman Empire in WWI. We are not going to walk away from our investment now; too many lives would be lost in vain, not to mention all the money we have invested. Keeping the blood off our shores is another objective; making sure that we thwart any threats before they grow too big is how we achieve this. God forbid the day that China or India come running at us.

  8. If you're interested in an higher deficit, then yes; the GOP is idea.

  9. You bet!

    The Democrats hate the patriotic emotion displayed at the convention, and the truth that was presented. They're now running scared and are trying to take over Yahoo Answers with their lies, basement posters and Obama's paid posters.

    They're going down big time, and this is like the Battle of the Bulge for them - like the n**i's last big Sunday punch before they fell!

    All we have to do is finish them off, and drive their scumbag Barack Hussein Obama out of politics, or back to being a community origanizer in the community of his choosing. I'm not going there.

  10. No, but an independent conservative does.

    Elect me for President 2012!

  11. America being the most hated nation on earth is mostly in the mind of the media.  No evidence has ever been shown for this propaganda.  However, there is ample evidence that people like, respect, and need the US.  France's leader gave a speech last year saying how America was the best country in the world.  Countries all over the world are willing to follow the US lead.  US leaders are welcomed and cheered in most countries.  Every time a country is in trouble than look to the US for leadership and aid.

    I would say that the Republicans trying to build a strong corporate America have a better idea than the Democrats trying to build a welfare state based on entitlement programs.

  12. Yes 100% if oblivion and beyond is your goal!!!

    but if I was a ellitist with money and a fake church pass I would vote REPUBLICAN cause make permenent the BUSH tax cuts!!!!

  13. Um, do the last 8 years tell you anything????

  14. Well looking at the past 8 years, I would have to say no.

  15. Yes, 'country first'.

  16. ya know, I really think, if you strip all the bickering away, and all the big time for/against stuff like abortion, and capital punishment..

    both parties have the right ideas for the usa...I think if we had a split congress and house of dems and repubs...maybe things would end up a little better...Im pretty naive about this stuff, but really, at the heart of it all, we all want whats best for where we ALL live..

    I don't think any party wants us to turn into a h**l hole..

  17. The democrats such as Clinton can take part in that. Don't even try to pin it on Republicans this is how dem's work they take no responsibility and you want America to put one in the White House no thanks!      P.U.M.A. for McCain/Palin ticket say yes and take back our country!

  18. Yes Republican is the only way to Keep America free

  19. you mean having the people in charge of the government and not the government in charge of the people...yes...we aren't as hated as your imagination pathetic when i see people worry more about the opinion of America than actual Americans...

  20. The GOP's support of big business/old money at the expense of the common American has enabled corporations to ship many of our good jobs overseas, so the executives could save a few $ for stockholders, and get their bonuses, while the rest of us have to worry about having a job.

    The Republicans believe that a woman does NOT have the "right to choose" whether to have an abortion.

    The McCain/GOP war in Iraq has cost us $3 trillion!! (that's $10,000 PER PERSON!)  It has not found WMD or bin Laden, cost 4,000+ US lives, and had no justification! I could have used that $10,000 back in MY pocket where it belongs!

    It is ironic that Republicans criticize Democrats as tax-and-spend liberals, yet this Republican administration has done more to increase the US' federal deficit than any other administration in history (they are the "New Democrats"!).  The US now owes $10 TRILLION (or $30,000 per person);  do they think our debtors (mostly China) are going to forgive that?  Do they think the voters will not remember this in November?

    The GOP would rather expand drilling, even though it's know that oil will run out in the near future, INSTEAD of doing the logical thing which is to explore alternatives.  The GOP is pro-oil because they are pro-big oil.


  21.   I do not think so.  I pray the other 18 million cracks will agree.

  22. If a party can fail, abuse and neglect its citizens on so many occasions in 8 years and be voted in a third time those citizens deserve whatever they facking get.  

  23. If the USA is so d**n hated, why do so many people die trying to come here to start a new life?

    I'm not Republican, but this election year, I have more faith in Senator McCain.

  24. your wrong there its our news media who cause most of the hate by the way the broadcast the news about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars .they never talk about the be headings by the terrorists but sure talk about americans killing civilians or torturing as they call it no matter how many troops lives are saved by the info,  

  25. First off... when you're figuring that we're the most hated nation on earth, you have to take North Korea, Cuba, the 57 wacko Islamic states, and the KGB-controlled Russia out of the equation.

    The western world can say it hates us, but modern history has shown that the USA is a good friend to have.  And when the bad guys are putting extra mags in their pockets and heading their way, most of the countries that "hate" America suddenly find that they love us.

    Also, I don't recall the anywhere in the Declaration of Independence stating that these United States were formed to win the worldwide popularity contest.

  26. The republicans have really left a bad taste in my mouth. I feel that Bush has really done a number. Its hard to want to put another republican in office.  

  27. To be honest, I could give a c**p how other countries view us. The reason why the USSR was viewed badly is because they were bent on world domination. The U.S. has no aspirations no matter what the left wing smear machine wants you to believe.

    Edited to add: Boy, alot of you people don't have a freaking clue. Most of you are doing nothing but parroting talking points. As a taxpayer I believe that electing Obama to go with a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate would be a disaster. My paycheck is already chopped almost in half with taxes and Obama and the House and Senate want to raise it up even more. I don't need any more taken from me. I work hard. I put my life on the line every day for what, so half of my paycheck can go to someone who didn't lift a finger to work? Yeah, that's fair. Also, the only reason why some if not most of you love Democrats is because they keep promising what they can give you. Free Education. Free Healthcare. Free Money. Free Reitrement Accounts. Free, Free, Free. But nothing is free. People like me are being taxed to death to pay for this c**p. I have to work overtime(from which more of my hard working money is seized) so I can make up for what's being raped from me so I can pay my bills. Always remember that dependence leads to servitude. The more government gives you by way of these so called entitlements, the more they make you their servants. So, look me in the face and tell me you're entitled to what I put my life on the line for. Have the guts to tell the hard working tax payers that they should be happy working for your lazy asses. So keep supporting these tax raising power hungry numbnuts. Remember, they care not one iota for you, only for more power.

  28. McCain winning now truely makes me believe that Roe Vs. Wade will be overturned, or at least turned into a former shell of itself.  Palin's ultra life views are not the moderate direction I was hoping for.

  29. Republicans don't have any ideas.  That's why all of their arguments are divisive.  Try and listen to at least 10 minutes of their convention.  They offer nothing except a fake alternative from their own president for the past 8 yrs.  Now they dare talk about "reform"?- ridiculous.

  30. I travel all over the world for my job, and I can tell you that USA is not hated so much. By far, the "I hate USA" talk I hear the most when I travel is on CNN International.

    So where have you travelled to make such a statement? Or do you watch CNN?

  31. Less taxes

    Less government

    For the people

    you bet we have the right idea!!!!

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