
Do the american people realize,how close they are to a total colapse of their good living status?

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there are several historical facts of nations in the past, going thru the same process. a complete breakdown caused by greed and loss of moral standings as well as work ethics




  1. This one does.

  2. When they finally do maybe they will finally vote every member of Congress out of office.

  3. This American does, $50000.00 a year does not get you far anymore. We have to change our ways, even though are kids will hate us for awhile.

  4. I do, but many americans are either politically ignorant or they're too blinded by thier own lives tp pay attentions. Poor fools...

  5. Decode this lyrics " Yesterday once more"

    They missed all that.

    Without being aware of it.

    The gifts of life.

    That was lost with time.

    While some of them were not even born yet.

    In those days.

    Matt 22. 17-21

    Luke 16.13

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. For weaker American groups I would agree. However in some groups the pioneer spirit still lives and is still very strong. This was evidenced by the folks who have recently suffered the devastating floods and have started rebuilding on their own initiative. We will never go away. It may get rocky at times but the American Spirit will always bring us back to the forefront.

  7. I don't think so. The good thing though, is, I think that if we all lived like the third world we'd all be equal. That would make it a better world.

  8. Of course they don't. Just as you have no idea how many times this question has been asked before.

    Everything always seems to be OK in the end, though.:)

  9. That has been said a million times in the past. We always seem to get through it.

  10. Its actually the politicians that don't want to pay attention. They're masters at making unrealistic promises to the voters.

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