
Do the americans use the word "fancy" like us brits?

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:) hmm coz i read most answers and many people say dont use the word fancy and there mainly from america




  1. Well fancy that, I use it.

  2. Heh no we don't. Here a lot of people my age(16) might not even know how to use it.

    We don't hear it and it kind of sounds "Knickers" "Rubish" or the notorious "Bloody".Hehe I'd think that we use words that Brits don' you guys say "Sucks"? *shrugs* it's all good though =]

  3. im from california and the only time i use the words fancy is as an adjective if im talking about somthing with high class.... For example a fancy restaurant is a restaurant where things are a bit more pricy and you use special utensils cloth napkins you have to dress nice... ect.

  4. Fancy as in "I Like that"? No, we don't use the term. We use the word solely as fanciful - like decorative, or festive or special.  

  5. no we don't, but we understand what is being.

  6. I've met a few, but not many.  I had a girlfriend from the East Coast who used to say 'fancy' all the time.

  7. I went to london for a week and came back to indiana and used that phrase, then it quickly went away, i would be saying "i fancy the shirt," etc., but for the most part we understand what it means, but don't use it normally.  when we use it we use it in the fashion of something sophisticated.

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