
Do the anti’s in the hunting section tick you off?

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*This question is for gun owners and hunters.*

Do you feel it’s a waste of their time to bash us?

And do any of you think what they say here will change what hunters and gun owners do?




  1. Yes, I am quite infuriated by such people, especially since I know that the criminal group PeTA inspired many of them. PeTA co-founder Ingrid Newkirk said she is against animal testing even if it finds a cure for AIDs, and the groups did cut off some corporate funding for the march of dimes that has done so much to eliminate human death and suffering. It is indeed a waste of their time to bash us, if they imagine they will cahnge any hunter's mind about our sport, but some of these people enjoy annoying people. I doubt that they will change any of our behavior. The only thing I might be inspired to do is to invite PeTA nuts to practice martial arts with me.

  2. Antis are good for one thing, reporting them, and if you've noticed, enough of us are actually taking the extra 5 seconds to report them, because they soon disappear!

    All we have to do is keep on reporting them, and eventually they get the message that they're not welcome here.

  3. I wouldn't say that it is a waste of their time, they probably have nothing else to do, and they certainly will never change my mind. One thing that also annoys me is when someone asks a legitimate question and get extremely rude and unhelpful answers. Like asking "why do people hunt wolves/cougars/bears (whatever)?" and even state they aren't against it, they just don't understand why. What really bugs me is when people come into my home and try to tell me about how terrible hunting is. I remember one night when I was in residence during college. A friend to me and a couple of my room mates came in as we were watching "Canada in the Rough" (a great show by the way) and said something to the effect of "That is so f---ing barbaric, what the [heck] would someone do that to defenseless animals for." A couple of us said something to the effect of shut up or leave, but then he continued with his ignorant ramble, so we politely dragged him to the door and threw him out. Needless to say he didn't talk to us ever again, which is no skin off my back.

  4. In a free society, all must be heard. Regards, Larry.

  5. I'm a member of PETA, People  For  The  Eating  of tasty Animals

  6. You never know...there might be just one person out there who sees the light after reading your answer.

    Worth the effort.

  7. All I see it accomplish is their efforts creating less respect for them and their beliefs.

    It’s self defeating.

    I also see it has some so on edge that they are too quick with an emotional response. Instead of actually thinking about what was asked.

    Therefore I see this being disruptive to the answers community buy the anti-hunter/gun rights people.

    And no, what they may say will not effect my beliefs or views on guns or hunting. However it does make me ignore them more.

    Hunting and gun ownership is part of Americana our heritage and for many of us our life. Asking us to change our life for some ridiculous fad or agenda is not going to fly.

  8. somewhere at sometime they will wish they had a gun.they will take all are rights.

  9. No it doesn’t tick me off. I find it entertaining!

    But what I find disturbing is hunters who put down hunters for asking a simple question like this one.

    I used to raise hunting dogs. When I had one turn on the other dogs for the h**l of it all the time, I got rid of it. Cant have team work when one of the pack keeps turning on the others! How are sportsmen and gun owners going to keep their way of life if they turn on each other?

  10. As far as I am concerned they are wasting their time.* There will always be those who Criticize, Condemn, and Complain about Hunting and Gun Ownership without any credible, valid, or justifiable reason for doing so.* " Society will forever judge Hunters by their Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt for and Harvest."... Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable, Killing to us true Hunters is neither Fun or Enjoyable.* No it will not have any Impact whatsoever on us True Hunters and Sportsman.*

  11. I see it as a chance to give the other view to the fence sitting antis that will follow them

    What really ticks me off is the almost obligatory juvenile response "I was just asking a question, don't get so snippy" that they make when called on it

    They then expand on the motivations for the questions and make it clear that it was indeed just one more self righteous undereducated statement disguised as a question

    I have never seen a intelligent opposition to hunting only emotional statements and emotions have no place in debate because only the truly weak minded make decisions based on emotion

  12. i used to come in here alot i got sick of it

    i stay in the nascar section mostly now

    at least there i can bash back

  13. Its too bad we can't get hunting tags for Gun Control Advocates.  I think I'd fill my quota every year.

    Just Kidding.

    Those folks have no clue.  Its a passionate argument that has no basis in reality.

    But there is a definate problem with folks who are in the gun owning category.  Now before folks just start going off please let me make my point.

    Its is how the NRA does their business.  I am an NRA Member and I belong to Ducks Unlimited also.  The issue that I have is this.

    The way the NRA portrays things is very poor.  Most of the hunting associations do not want representation from the NRA because of their bad publicity.  In my opinion that is totally hypociritcal because we need to stand together as one foundation.

    Yes I know that the NRA can be bullish of too many things and represent the rights of gun owners improperly.  But let me also give you another point of view from my own work.

    Just a little background here.  I currently work for and Armed Security Company on a Department of Homeland Security Contract.  So I am always dealing with my Local Law Enforcement Officers, and Federal Law Enforcement.  From their point of view they don't want the wrong types of firearms falling into the hands of criminals and making their jobs any more dangerous than they already are.  Being one of them, I cannot say that I am entirely unsympathetic.  However, there is a point at which it goes too far.

    The People's Demokratik Republik of Kalifornia is my home state and I feel things have gone too far here.  So believe me when I say, I understand where you are coming from.

    Here in this state they have made criminals out of law abiding citizens.  My personal collection is quite extensive, and I have had to register several of my collector's pieces as Assault Weapons undere our laws here.  So unfortunately, when I decide to sell some of these, (if I do), I will have to remove them from the state or turn them over for destruction.

    Recently, they just passed a new set of hunting laws that forbid the use of lead hunting ammunition, (Literally from Gilroy, CA clear into Los Angeles), Because of 75 Turkey Vultures, (California Condor), they are trying to keep alive.  So basically all of the Wild Boar Hunting, small varmint, and Coyote hunting has been eliminated unless you use ammunition that does not contain lead.

    So for all of the .22 Long Rifle fans you guys are S.O.L.  You are left with three choices.  You either collect your dead, extract the bullet, or use copper bullets only.

    I normally opt for the latter with my .243.

    So what needs to happen, is regardless of preofession or hobby, there needs to be some type of unity in this sport/hobby/profession.  If this can be done, and we can do this correctly, we can change the laws and make new ones that make more sense than the ones that exist.  Basically it is laws developed by gun owners, professionals and hobbiests, and these laws will be better.  Instead of stupid sweeping laws that are a blanket attempt at making criminals out of folks that were not criminals before.

    As for a waste of time, yeah, its a waste of time on their part, but only if we don't give up.  If we give up, then they win.

  14. No. If they keep hanging around they may actually learn something and come away with a better informed point of view.

    One thing that DOES annoy me is, "Do the so-and-sos posting in OUR section tick you off?" questions. It's yahoo. People will post what they want, where they want, when they want. Might as well curse the rain.

  15. I suppose they think their views are so profound that all they have to do is post and we will all just convert to P.E.T.A. advocates.

    Personally, I think the best way to deal with them is to not submit an answer for their questions. Ignore them and maybe they will find another section to post in.

  16. Yes, but posting this question is a bad idea. Anti's are just like little kids. They THRIVE on attention. Just posting this question helped them feel "noticed".

    I just ignore them. Let them watch Discovery channel, or animal planet and eat there Estrogen-filled soy burgers.....

  17. I ignore most of them.  For many of them, their idea of being at one with nature is sitting on their couch, smoking pot and watching National Geographic.

  18. Not at all.  Think about it, they have to have someplace to display their ignorance.


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