
Do the best runners run on their toes?

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I don't run on my toes and i think that the better runners do. Any suggestions as to how i can work on it?




  1. ...

    Study the best runners, looking at video and go slow motion (I have studied this aspect of running for many years).  

    Look closely and you will see that the best runners from marathons down to the 800 meters spend most of their race striking the ground (or track or whatever) almost whole-sole with neither toes first nor heel first.  When striking the ground, their legs are already moving into the next phase of "pawing up" so the foot strike is not a slap but rather a touch against the ground.

    It's only when the best runners go into sprint mode, at the very end of the race, that they rise up on to their toes.

    Training and racing toes first is a major mistake (one I made while in high school).  By doing this you reduce the value of pushing off using your calf muscles and instead cause your calf muscles to tighten and even knot up.  

    Worse, at less than sprint speeds, by going toes-first you are actually  educing your forward motion while you run, in a real sense putting the brakes on with every stride.  This is something you really don't want to do.



  2. I am a sprinter (100m) and at the beginning of my spring track season, I used to get 14.7 seconds. Then someone told me to run more on my toes and now I get 14 flat. It definitely helped me.

  3. I run on my toes, and my coach says that it is going to hurt me in the long run.

    Yes, people who run on their toes may have sucsess, and yes, at first switching to running back on your heels may mess you up for a while, but it will pay off.

  4. Running on your toes works great it gives an extra 4 inches of boost and you keep gaining speed from there,

    if you wanna balance, put both of your arms behind your back,

    spread out..

    It looks stupid, but you run faster

  5. you should use them to give you the push you need. try leaning into your run a little more.

  6. I happen to walk on my toes...been doing it since my first baby steps. now my calves are the size of softball and im really skinny. it hurts for me to walk flat footed. but anyways u should try running  on your toes it worked for me but i had old are you it depends.

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