
Do the commercials on TV bother you?

by  |  earlier

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or are you willing to put up with commercials as long as they reduce the price you have to pay to get TV?




  1. Yeah, right.  If commercials reduced the price we had to pay for TV, then why have cable prices nearly doubled over the past 10 years alone?

    Commercials only help the studios produce programming.  Then they make money selling the programming to the cable/satellite providers.

    I hate commercials, which is why I always use my DVR to FF/skip them.  Or, I'll use the commercial time to grab something from the kitchen or go to the bathroom.  Either way, I don't watch the commercials.  According to the moron running the MPAA, that makes me a thief.  Way to stay classy, MPAA.

  2. No, I love them.

    That's how I know it's time for a snack or potty break!

  3. as long as they reduce the price you have to pay to get TV? why?

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