
Do the democrats hate women?

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The DNC cheated Hillary out of the nomination. The did not pick her as a V.P. And now, the democrats are blasting the Republicans V.P. selection. Do democrats hate single moms, heterosexual wives, and divorce soccer/football mom? It appears to me, if a lady is not a pant suit wearing, pro-abortion, anti-man liberal; they are not wanted in the Democratic party. Enlighten me?




  1. The question is do REPUBLICANS hate women by taking their rights away? Who cares if you were raped your are going to carry for 9 months CRY, BLEED AND PUSH!

  2. they hate any republican or conservative, no matter what

  3. Honey I don't know if there is any enlightening we can do for you if  you haven't gotten it yet...Big diff. between rep. chic & dem.'re rep. chick wants me to forget all the things you republicans called me when I was 17 & pregnant raising what is now a FINE MAN.

    "Do democrats hate single moms, heterosexual wives, and divorce soccer/football mom? It appears to me, if a lady is not a pant suit wearing, pro-abortion, anti-man liberal;"...Darlin'...I am all those things & more (with the exception of "Anti-man"...I like my man...) & never have I felt the Democratic Nominee understood me more...

  4. what part of whitewater and the other scandals do you not remember from the clinton era

  5. The Dem's pushed that woman, can be moms and work also. To abandon the apron and take up jobs equal with men.That there was no stopping them. Until 2008. Now they claim that a mother of 5 with a down syndrome child should be a stay at home mom. Stay home bare foot and pregnant.

    Attn Missy. Last years 1.2 million abortions were not done to rape victims. More like .4% were the result of rape. You want to take the postion for abortion, hanging on to wild notions that abortions are to protect rape victims. Its not about that. Abortion is birth control. Its an industry that plays into peoples reckless sexual behavior.

  6. You're an idiot and you know that's not true.

    Nice try though, just not an intelligent one.

  7. What amazes me is how any intelligent, confident, self reliant woman could ever call or consider herself a Republican.  The GOP is about as anti-woman as an organization can be.

  8. I am a heterosexual woman, I love men, I don't wear pant suits, and I have never felt unwelcome in the Democratic party.

    You appear to perceive only what you *want* to perceive.

  9. You cannot be enlightened. Because you are so bias with the GOP and ignore the slander and lies on both Hillary and Michelle.

    When you can make an honest statement about the hypocrisy of the GOP then come back and ask an intelligent question okay.

  10. LOL. No. I think this country has come a long way from that. Based on your arguments, you can say that Republicans hate women too. There are many examples (through McCain) that show this. In the end, people are just going to try to shift the focus to something like this all the time.

  11. what a lame question.  I don't think it has to do with s*x, but the personality, politics, and issues.

  12. this year women will have to learn to take the back seat to the black man

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