
Do the dems not realize that Palin's daughter is not the first teenager to get pregnant?

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Look around, the are thousands, if not millions of them. It doesn't mean that they are bad people, just that they made some mistakes. We all know how pure and clean the dems are don't we? They would never make a mistake.




  1. I would also venture a guess that she isn't the first teenager to get pregnant who's parents educated her about responsibility.  I guess some Democrats think Palin and other parents should keep their kids chained to a fence until they turn 18.

  2. No one cares about her pregnancy: we care that her mom insists "abstinence only" s*x-ed is appropriate for America even though her underage daughter got knocked up by following such a program.

    Pity Neo-Cons are unable to discern the true issues.

  3. They are mad cause she did the decent thing, she's going to have the baby and marry the father of the baby, something they can't comprehend. The attacks on Palin and her family have taken on new lows that I didn't even think the left would to but now we've seen them in their true light. It amazes me how they are so focused on this side they see nothing amiss on their end. Well, it will be their undoing cause these attacks are backfiring!

    To those attacking Sarah for telling the world about her daughter, these same morons would attack her for hiding it!

  4. yes. But she maybe the first teenager of a abstience only advocate,,running for VP canidate's daughter to get pregnant tho

  5. It's all they have to attack her with.

  6. Who cares.  Her daughter isn't running.  

    Why can't you cons let her pregnancy go?

    It's like you're obsessed with Palin's announcement.

  7. Absolutely.  Thanks to her mom, though, she has the distinction of being the first teenage daughter of a Vice Presidential candidate to announce her pregnancy to the world.

    Way to go, Sarah.  Humiliate your kid on the world stage.

    She's the Mother of the Year, isn't she?

  8. i am not a mccain supporter but in Palin's defense, no one has much control over 17 year olds.  

  9. Exactly. But why is it that Republicans are so quick to point out that it must be the fault of the parents that their child got pregnant. Yet when it happens to one of their own. It was a mistake. You can't have it both ways. That would make you Bi and we all know how Republicans feel about that.

  10. You Con's are all a like. She is the first female to ever get pregnant.

    Before Sarah Palin we were all built in a lab.

  11. I think Palin was forced to tell the world about this, because she knew that if she didn't, the liberal media would find out and smear it all over the headlines. At least this way the family had some control over how it was released and presented.

  12. Most democrats don't walk around like they're poster people for perfect family values & righteousness.

    Had the tables been turned, you can bet the republicans would be using this to their advantage, quoting bible scripture & pointing fingers. That's the way they are.

    It's ok. We only have 2 more months of this b!tchess bad jokes about pitbulls and lipstick, her husband Todd and her daughter smearing saliva all over the retarded baby's head.

  13. YES - but do the Repubes realize the Palin is acting like the virgin police - believing the abstinent-ONLY education is the best way to teach children about s*x ed......she's not for abortion (on any terms), ok - but hasn't she ever heard of condoms!!

  14. yeah you're right, us dems don't make mistakes

  15. I find it hypocritical of the Democrats to go after her daughter because aren't the Dem's the ones that promote single motherhood, and have tons of social programs to support single moms. I think the Dem's are pissed because this girl comes from a good family, and is taking responsibility and the father is going to be in the picture. I also think they dislike the fact that Bristol isn't going to hop on there social program. Remember being self sufficient is something the Dem's hate.  

  16. Lets not forget...

    Barack Obama Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was born November 29th, 1942.  Barack was born August 4th, 1961... she was 18 years, 8 months, and 6 days old.

    Barack would have been conceived when she was 17 years, 11 months old.  In fact she didn't marry until Feb 2nd, 1961... when she was 3 months pregnant with Barack.

    Barack Obama himself is an "unwanted" child.

  17. Very true.. but being a Gov.. you as a parent should be setting examples for families.. She should of been talking to her daughter about BC and prevention of getting pregnant.  To me she spends too much time with the public than her own family.  And I find her daughter BF very disrespectful and rude...

  18. I'm so tired of the whole democrats bashing republicans and republicans bashing democrats.

    First, who cares. Second, not ALL democrats think that way so people need to stop saying DON'T DEMOCRAT*S* realize.. blah blah blah.  Yes I realize this and whoever spoke out about her being pregnant is stupid, I don't even consider it when thinking about who I'm going to vote for and why.

    What's the point? Really worry about your own life and problems, instead of the stupidity of several democrats.

  19. Wow really?  I think the Republicans just finally realized it for themselves, because it just shows that they are not the holyier than thou crowd they like to make themselves out to be and are quite the hypocrits.

    We have disdain for is the fact that Republicans are supposedly values voters and yet they have welcomed Sarah Palin with open arms and have said it's okay.  But you better believe this, if it had been a democrat whose daughter was 17 and pregnant, we would be rife with how immoral the lefties are because they condone this behavior.

  20. It's because there are millions that this issue is so very, very  important.  A woman who advocates abstinence-only s*x education and winds up with a pregnant teenage daughter and who is running for the VP of the US is the perfect example of what is wrong with reactionary conservative policies and the harm that they can do.

    Comprehensive s*x education is needed now and having such a person in such a prominent position argue otherwise is detrimental to the future well-being of millions of Americans.  

  21. That is not the point. Other people and their children are not trying to set examples for the American people. That is a TERRIBLE example to set for America's youth - "everyone gets pregnant, so it's okay!"

    The point is that it is SO avoidable, by teaching kids about safe s*x. You can have s*x without having babies, contrary to popular Republican belief.

    The point is that Palin's daughter is living proof that abstinence-only education does not work, and even with proof living in her own home, Palin cannot accept this!!

    "Abstinence didn't work for my daughter, but it will work for yours!!!"

    Yeah, right.

  22. Other teenagers are pregnant?  Really?  I just landed on earth today, so thanks for that nugget of information.

    Of course she is pregnant - she is hot and apparently wasn't allowed to have any s*x-education.  A pretty natural result.

    The only reason it is a story, is because Sarah Palin lives in that glass house but is trying to throw stones at others, metaphorically speaking.  Abstinence-only s*x education doesn't work.

  23. Sure, so it brings the point of why are YOU bringing it up?

    In fact, if Sarah Palin hadn't blabbered about it nationally, then it wouldn't even be an issue.  She only raised that fact to counter suspicion that Trig may have been Bristol's baby.  So she outed her daughter to protect herself.   How nice.

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