
Do the drugs Imitrex, Tranzene, Zoloft cause/adversely affect eye muscle imbalance?

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Need treatments/cure for adult Strabismus. Do any one or a combination of the three drugs Imitrex, Tranzene and Zoloft adversely impact an adult who has eye muscle imbalance?




  1. All three drugs may cause blurred vision, double vision and other vision disturbances. On top of that, there are many more other possible side effects taking these drugs. Most importantly, Imitrex and Zoloft strongly interacts with each other. One should avoid taking these two drugs together if it is not necessary. The following paragraphs lists the possible side effects of each drug, and the consequences of Imitrex and zoloft interaction for reference.

    More Common Imitrex Side Effects includes altered sense of taste, burning in nose, discharge in nose, pain or soreness in nose, burning at injection site, pain at injection site, redness at injection site, discomfort in jaw, mouth, tongue, throat, nose, or sinuses, dizziness, drowsiness, burning or warm sensation, heat, numbness, tightness, or tingling, feeling cold, feeling strange or weak, flushing, lightheadedness, muscle aches or cramps, stiffness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting. Check with your doctor if these persist.

    Less Common Imitrex Side Effects include agitation, altered sense of smell, anxiety, constipation, depression, diarrhea, difficulty concentrating, difficulty urinating or frequent urination, feeling of well-being, fainting, hearing problems, menstrual pain, sweating, tearing, tremors, visual disturbances.

    Stop taking Imitrex and speak to your doctor soon if the following rare side effects occur: Heaviness, pain, or tightness in chest or neck, racing heartbeat, skin rash, hives, itching, difficulty swallowing.

    Check with your doctor immediately if these rare side effects occur: Severe chest pain, color change in the face, puffiness or swelling around eyes or in face, difficulty breathing, wheezing.

    More common Tranzene (tranxene?) side effects may include blurred vision or other visual changes, depression, difficulty in sleeping or falling asleep, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, double vision, fatigue, genital and urinary tract disorders, headache, irritability, lack of muscle coordination, mental confusion, nervousness, tremors, skin rashes, slurred speech, stomach and intestinal disorders, tremor

    Side effects due to a rapid decrease in dose or abrupt withdrawal from Tranxene may include abdominal cramps, convulsions, diarrhea, difficulty in sleeping or falling asleep, hallucinations, impaired memory, irritability, muscle aches, nervousness, tremors, vomiting

    Zoloft side effects include sweating, agitation, dry mouth, decreased appetite, somnolence (drowsiness), dizziness, insomnia, tremor, constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, decreased libido, yawn, nervousness, sexual side effects, or weight loss.

    Take care to avoid operating a vehicle or other heavy machinery until you know how you react to Zoloft. Zoloft side effects may include impaired thinking and motor skills, or cause blurred vision.

    Imitrex and Zoloft interacts strongly with each other. In general, the concomitant use of multiple serotonergic agents should be avoided if possible, or otherwise approached with caution if potential benefit is deemed to outweigh the risk. Signs and symptoms of interaction of these two drugs includes CNS irritability, altered consciousness, confusion, myoclonus, ataxia, abdominal cramping, hyperpyrexia, shivering, pupillary dilation, diaphoresis, hypertension, and tachycardia and the risk of serotonin syndrome, which is a rare but serious and potentially fatal condition thought to result from hyperstimulation of brainstem 5-HT1A receptors.

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