
Do the exams get "physical" later on in pregnancy like 34 weeks?

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I am going to the drs every 2 weeks now. I am almost 30 weeks pregnant. I just read a question that said they were 1 cm dialated at their 37 and 38 week appoitments. That means the dr physically checks you out right?..

Just wondering when that starts?




  1. if you have had the strep B test, there shouldn't be anythin else unless you have a problem or want them to check. my midwife would ask me the last few weeks if i wanted her to check for diliation or not and i chose not too. ...maybe its a midwife thing...

  2. In the United States, it is the "norm" for doctors to do a vaginal exam at every visit from 36 weeks on.  There's no need for it.  It's not that predictive of the onset of labor.  It increases the risk of infection.  It's uncomfortable or embarassing for many women.  You have the right to refuse it.

    I am seeing a Certified Nurse Midwife (i.e. she can deliver in hospitals) for a homebirth, and she does not check you at the end of pregnancy unless you want her to.

  3. My doc starts those exams again when i hit 35 weeks he said... Lovely...

    Ohh yeah and yep he will be feeling all up in there haha =)

  4. i have had 3 babies and only got examined internally once i went overdue with my third - where i am from (scotland) they are reluctant to examine internally before your due date because they could irritate the uterus and cause problems i.e., set off a false labour that could end up to you having to have a c-section because your body is not ready for labour - which is why they do membrane sweeps about 3 or 5 days after your due date to try and encourage labour to start then.

  5. my dr starts checking at 36 weeks

  6. Mine started on the 36th week when I started going every week, but my doc does vaginal exams every other week. Good luck

  7. It depends on your dr. My dr started vaginal exams at 35 weeks and did one a week until I delivered. It isn't bad, but can be a little painful, but I looked forward to it every week to see if I had changed any.

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