
Do the excessive use of sunblock cream has any negative effect ?

by Guest65019  |  earlier

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Do the excessive use of sunblock cream has any negative effect ?




  1. I do not know in a professional sense, but I think for me it increases facial sweating big time.  

  2. from what Ive heard that the extended use of sun block cream can create black heads and fill in the pores of the body which play a vital role in perspiration of the body to keep it cool. Of course while tanning you can definitely use it but do wash it afterwards.

  3. I would like to know what do you mean by excessive use of sunblock?

    Anyhow, I will share with you my own experience.

    Beware of the brand of sunblock you are using, some sunblock instead of protecting your skin it will damage your skin and cause skin cancer.

    Depending on the amount of the SPF. The higher the SPF the less often you have reapply sunblock on your skin the lower SPF the more often you have reassure the sunblock is still working on your skin.

    The average person uses less than half the recommended amount of sun block when they do apply it on their kids. So apply a thick layer to each section of your child's body, to the point that it is actually hard to work it all in.

    I dont think it has any effect once you're using it correctly and the choosing the right brand of sunblock

    And also remember, always wash your face and your body clean so that it doesn't cause pores blockage. Remove your face with makeup remover if you have applied sunblock before.

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