
Do the experts in horoscope section use words like Ascendant instead of Rising Sign and Natal Chart instead of

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Birth Chart to confuse,[Throw off] eveyone that is new




  1. Rising Sign & Ascendant are interchangeable...

    So is birth chart & natal chart...

    Keep up to speed, pal

  2. no, i use ascendant because in spanish ascendant or rising sign is "ascendente" so depends of my mood; and natal chart becuz in spanish is "carta natal"... they are similar so they are familiar to me lol idk

  3. LOL *blushes*...Alright, I admit I'm guilty :P

    (Not on purpose, though...Oh and just for the record, I don't think of myself as an "expert")

  4. hahahaha!!!  That's a funny question:-)

    I am still relatively new but oddly enough I have transitioned from rising sign to ascendant....don't really recall writing natal chart yet.  Will add that to my to do list-lol

    I wish I could give a more impressive answer but I write ascendant because it is one word and since it means the same thing then why type two words:-)

    Sun sign: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant :-)  Gemini

  5. Well, I am no expert, but I would never do that to purposely throw off anyone.  I use rising and ascendant interchangeably without rhyme or reason.  I rarely say birth chart, just natal chart.

  6. Yes. It's a common trick of the horoscopian.

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