
Do the fda inspect medicine that is purchased overseas. I want to order a medicine overseas but I don't know

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if its safe to do that. Has anyone tried ordering from overseas.




  1. Typically, no... that's why there were so many instances of contamination from China that got through.

    The FDA has been shown (during the China issues) to only test a small percent of things that come into this country from abroad.

    Personally, I would recommend contacting the company that's selling it (or the company selling it to you, at least) to ask them to prove their quality. That's about the only way you'll be able to find out if they have good quality is to ask them specifically to prove it (so they have to tell you how they verify quality, not just that they use good quality). It CAN be safe to get things from overseas (even from China)... but you need to do extra homework to make up for the FDA's shortfalls. Good luck!

  2. Most of the time the stuff that will get through customs is stuff that's hard to tell if its working or not. There's also sites that will come up with legitamite looking sites and go away in 24 hours so be careful. The other thing is it usually takes forever to get something over there so you can't question not getting something for a month or so.

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