
Do the fins on a mulching blade go towards the deck or towards the ground?

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bought it at everyone fav ... Wal-Mart ... most of the other blades I have bought have a sticker or stamped onto the blade - not this one - any clues ?




  1. Hi Kaborg,

    The leading edge will be the sharp one and usually points downward.  Look at your old blade - that helps determine which way the shaft rotates.  Any trailing fins, secondary blades, teeth, etc will point upward towards the deck to keep tossing clippings up to recirculate them.

    Just food for thought...  I bought a sharpener that went on my drill - came with a balancer -  that extended the life of mine quite a bit.  I think with all that recirculating the mulching blade dulls faster that a conventional mower blade.   I haven't bought a replacement blade since.

    Mulch on!

  2. towards the deck.  this keeps the clippings airborne so they continue to be chopped up

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