
Do the girls favour for s*x when the entire expense of dinig out is borne by the guy?

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Some girls don't favour s*x after dining out free of cost. It is well known that they do it for others at a premium.Even after till they get money they act as reluctant. why




  1. I'm not really sure what you're asking, but the girl does not owe the guy s*x just because he paid for her meal.

  2. I think you a perverted mentally sick person!! Get yourself treated !!

  3. get ur health checked up....dude, tat's a nasty Q!

  4. i was in a situation where s*x was expected of me because i  paid for the movie and dinner and esert at a ice cream place,, but i made an excuse to leave beause i wasnt interested in  a woman that would sleep with me on a first date,, what was it that i think groucho marx once said?.. correct me if im wrong on the person or quote,," i would never willingly be a member of a club that would have me as a member

  5. When you ask a woman out for dinner it is understood that you are buying here a meal.  Hopefully because you like her and want to spend time with her and treat her nice.

    That does not mean she owes you s*x.

  6. Prostitution is illegal in this country (U.S.)

    Expecting s*x just because you take someone out for dinner is completely unreasonable and is "paying for s*x" or prostitution.

    Okay, some guys will ask, then why take a girl out at all?

    1.  To prove you can be a good provider.

    2.  To show that a lady means more to you than something to use for s*x.

    3.  To encourage her to think about you as a potential husband.

    4.  To let other guys know "hands off, this is my lady".

    5.  To show her you appreciate her being with you and not with someone else.

    "Well, why would I want to do all that?" many men will ask.

    1.  Many sexually transmitted diseases (STD's); while being annoying to a man can be deadly to a woman or a baby (herpes simplex II is a good example).

    2.  Women are the ones that risk the chance of having a baby, not men.

    3.  Even in the United States women risk their lives every day bringing life into this world (I was one who almost died trying to give my now ex-husband a son).

    4.  Women need to know a man is trustworthy enough to want to hang around after a baby is born.

    5.  Sometimes complications occur and a woman isn't able to work after giving birth for quite a while, hence why we need to know a man is a good provider.

    6.  If the mother dies.....who will feed the children?

    7.  We also need to know that a man is worth our trust and the effort before we risk our lives giving birth, risk losing our figures if our metabolism slows down and we can't lose the weight after giving birth, our self-esteem when we worry that our husbands no longer think we are s**y after giving them children, raising children, having to put up with our children becoming embarrassed to even be seen with us in public when they grow older, putting our lives on hold for 18-20 years to raise our families, not to mention that at any point during that time our husbands could decide to trade us in for a younger, prettier model and we are now stuck raising our children by ourselves with no help or support at all.

    Now, what was that question again?????

  7. Highly "NASTY"  Q....thats all i can say !!!

  8. Here is a funny man with a funny question...

    U seem to b pretty confused buddy.

  9. Dude...get some English speaking lessons....ur really difficult to understand. sorry. but i cant make out wat ur asking

  10. do you that  cause it is really disgusting and sick :&

  11. What the h**l?? Most would assume that the reason a man is asking a woman on a dinner date is because he is genuinely interested in her and would like an opportunity to get to know her a little better.  

    When my husband and I  invited another couple to dinner we sometimes foot the bill...we certainly don't expect the couple to "put out" for us.  

    A woman who sleep with a man for a meal has self esteem issues.  I'd rather stay home and eat a TV dinner.

    And a man looking for s*x just because he paid for a dinner doesn't have much respect for women and shouldn't have even bothered with a date and instead flagged down a prostitute.

  12. Then go to a proffessional prostitute.

  13. Too much expectations bro.....

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