
Do the gods in mythology ever bestow magic to people?

by Guest59147  |  earlier

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I need detailed evidence from all mythologies. Not just Greek.




  1. yes, for example:

    prometheus gave the gift of fire to humans.

    the gods made achilles immortal by dipping him in the styx

    athena gave a magical mirror shield to beat the medusa

    heracles was made a god after his 12 works (he was halfgod before)

  2. Typically no, they bestow blessings.

    Moses was given the ability to do god's wonders, he was also given a bronze serpent to heal with, and Arron was also given a staff to do wonders with.

    Hercules was granted a gift from the gods, and he obtained blessed materials.  Perseus was given a helmet to make him invisible, boots to fly, etc.  Cassandra was given foresight and a nasty curse to go with it.

    Norse had various weapons that were blessed, a necklace, hammer, and a dart if i remember correctly.

    The druids were believed to be able to absorb the power of a god through the invocation.

    speaking of invocations, you could call forth the power of the gods, so long as they approved of your request, through rituals, sacrifices, etc.

    Blessed materials were gold, mistletoe, iron, silver, water, amethyst, and a few others.

  3. No, the gods don't give away their power (IE Magic).  Remember -- this is mythology - it was the ancient religions way of explaining how the world functioned around them.  

    The Gods give fire, domestic animals (horse, cat, dog), superhuman strength, beauty, love, power/political leadership, grains/cultivation.  But these are normal things -- people simply wanted to explain how those items arose within their culture -- so stories were created claiming them as rewards from the Gods.  

    Very rarely did anyone receive immortality -- which is the closest thing I can think of that matches your description of magic.

  4. I'm surprised no one mentioned Cassandra, who was wooed by Apollo himself and given the gift of prophecy.

  5. Yes, the gods are leaving and there being born again in our bodies, or are we growing and we are becoming the gods, hmmm.

  6. uh.....gods in (myth)ology? almost sound as if they were/are alive, today? I'd have to go with....NO! But... check with an atheist, they probibly believe in those gods, it's the real one they have a problem with!

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