
Do the half water and half gas systems really work on your automobile and do they do any harm to the car?

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Do the half water and half gas systems really work on your automobile and do they do any harm to the car?




  1. By using waste heat to drive a steam engine, it is possible to get just short of 1,700 miles per gallon, verified by the IMSTEA

    However, HHO is a scam, the Pogue carburettor is a scam, water injectors do not work. Why mess with scams and dubious products when the real thing is available in the public domain?

    If the oil companies are trying to suppress it, they are doing a real poor job of it!

  2. 'half & half' - no way in h**l.

    Water vapor injection can, if done right, give you

    a small increase in efficiency.

    If done wrong, it can harm your engine.

    Do you know enough about your particular engine

    to do it right?

    Any 'one size fits all' add-on will be a scam.

  3. I am 77 and have never Sean one work yet ,and have heard this garbage all my life...

  4. You mean an engine with an extra steam power stroke that uses waste heat? They work good and drastically increase efficiency. I often wonder why they are not used.

  5. Water doesn't burn. In order to change it into a form that will burn, it is necessary to use energy. The amount used is always greater than the amount that will be released when it is again burned.

    One argument has it that the Hydrogen injected is some sort of catalyst which results in a greater amount of power than otherwise would be released. NO SUCH REACTION HAPPENS.

    However, there is one thing for sure. Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen is explosive. If you have ever done chemistry where they demonstrated Electrolysis, you would know this. They would have shown that the resulting Hydrogen that resulted would burn by inserting a burning splinter. More often than not, this would have immediately exploded which is caused by the Oxygen in the air mixing with the Hydrogen. Just think what happens if you mix them in perfect proportions such as happens in the crude Electrolytic  chambers used in these devices. Then introduce an electric spark from something like the power supply used (or perhaps a backfire down the carb.). The mind boggles. Some of these devices are huge and can produce gigantic amounts of mixture. No attempt is made to isolate the two gasses.

    Stay away from it. It doesn't work and is dangerous to boot.

  6. I haven't heard of any systems that literally mix equal parts of water and gas to run a regular vehicle...

    However maybe you are referring to the recent buzz called 'water4gas' etc?

    If so, that's a process that uses your car battery (and/or an additional battery?) to separate that molecules of water into HHO - hydrogen and oxygen - and that "gas"/vapour is added into the combusion process of your engine at some point.  

    And since hydrogen is combustible, and oxygen is also beneficial (and in fact required) for the process, that addition to your regular gasoline or diesel being used supposedly can add anywhere from 5% to 20% or so to your fuel economy.

    Now some people swear that this system works, but others say it doesn't (and can't) work - and also mention potential problems to the engine or to the car battery, etc.

    Another interesting development is that Google recently banned advertising for these systems on the Google Adwords network (the ads you see on the right side when you do a search on Google or on websites that feature Adsense Google ads).

    Not sure why that is - the only other banned ads I'm aware of are for gambling and p**n (and there are at least a couple others), but it's rare that Google would ban all advertising for any particular system.

    I added a link below to a discussion forum thread that discusses this Google ad ban, and the first post includes the email Google sent to advertisers to inform them of the ban.

    If someone wanted to improve their mileage by 5 to (possibly) 20%, they may want to consider the basic methods of hypermiling.

    I'll add a link below to the wikipedia page about hypermiling basic techniques, in case you wanted to learn a bit more about that.  Actually I've been doing a bit of hypermiling myself and have improved mileage by about 13% compared to before I started, and it seems to be a technique that can be improved upon with experience. :)

    Hope that was useful for you and best of luck!

  7. Well, you won't be literally mixing water with your gasoline. The way the system works is, you connect a conversion kit (which you can buy or make yourself), which will use water to produce HHO gas, hereby making the burning of hydrogen gas more stable. This is burned together with your regular gasoline in your engine which improves the efficiency.

    You will be using less gasoline, but I wouldn't say the ratio of water to gasoline is 1:1. In fact you will use very less water and it can go for weeks. Also, if you go on Youtube and do a search, you will see videos of how people are running cars on water (and gasoline).

  8. Never heard of that one.  If you put water in with your gasoline, it (the water) will settle to the bottom and NOT mix with the gasoline and your wehicle will stop running.  Water does not mix with gasoline and will not work as a fuel in a gasoline or diesel engine.  

    Good luck if you try it and be prepared to pull the gas tank and have it cleaned.

  9. I think you mean the so called "HHO" systems that are a total SCAM.

    They don't work, they can't work, and all they are after is your money.

    Plus they are dangerous.

    Harm to your car? possibly.

    for more info, see:

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