
Do the hookah bars give you marijuana to put in the hookah?

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Just asking!!! Curious




  1. lmao nah, they give you flavored tobacco. You could bring your own bud and mix it in though if you want , just smoke it all before the cops get there

  2. Not in America.

  3. Well yah Pretty Much Not That i know lol

  4. No they don't give you Marijuana to smoke in a Hookah bar.

  5. lol No.  You smoke flavored tobacco in there.  If hookah bars were giving out weed they would be wayyy more popular.  

  6. lmao


  7. lol no. that would be very much illegal my dear

  8. Uh no. They sell flavored tabacco. It gives you a high. But that is not because it is marijuanna. That is because it because you are putting your lungs under pressure by holding your hits in. If marijuanna is legal where you are from, then they may offer that as well? Or let you bring your own.'s not legal here, so it's only tabacco in the state of Wyoming. It's still fun though. :)

  9. Depends on where you are in the world. Some give you tobacco some give you pot. (unless if it's illegal where your located)

  10. only if you are in Amsterdam!  

  11. haha wow. no, not at all.  the give you fruity flavored tobacco, like strawberrry and stuff

  12. No. Hookah bars give you shisha to smoke.  

  13. no

    They give you a combination of tobacco and essences  

  14. NOOO lol

    I actually went to my first hookah bar a few days ago LOL but yea i really don't think they give you marijuana  

  15. No, they don't, especially if they don't know who you are. But yes there is a lot of marijuana around a hookah bar and I can garuntee that the hookah you'll be smoking out of has had weed in it before. lol. So you'll prolly get a buzz from the resin. =)

    It's not uncommon for there to be dealers who work at a hookah bar. But you have to KNOW the person. They arn't just going to jepordize their business by giving you pot if they don't know who you are.

    If you WANT to smoke mariujuana there just bring your own bud and miz it with the flavored tobacco they give you. Nobody will care or notice. Why? Cause that's what goes on in a hookah bar. :p

  16. NO! Marijuana is illegal.

    It's flavored tobacco!

  17. ahaha no!.

    its just like flavoring no marijuana.  

  18. No. That would be illegal.  

  19. Not if it's a legit hookah bar.  They give you flavored tobacco.

  20. no you d**n hippie! you can not smoke pot in the bar..

  21. that pretty weird

  22. I think they give you flavored/ scented tobacco

  23. Where at? Different states/countries have different laws on it.

  24. No, they gove you flavored tobacco, it;s a hookah, not a bong.

  25. I wish!

  26. NOPE.. Hookah is flavored tabacco

  27. Not unless its after hours and you know the owner...

  28. No they give you tobacco.

  29. why would they. a pot is illegal and would not be sold at a hookah bar. and b hookahs are meant for sheesha you can really s***w up your hookah trying to use it as a bong

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